Page 37 of Savage Ice
“Wasn’t sure I believed the story when I first read the report from the uniforms, but after seeing the two of you together, now I do.” Lynn dipped her head toward Avalon. “A word of advice?”
She had locked her feet to the floor so she didn’t run after Beau. What in the hell was that about?
“The dangerous ones often have a certain appeal. But you have to remember, we call them dangerous for a reason.”
Avalon lifted her chin. “I know how to handle dangerous individuals. I’ve been doing it my whole adult life.”
“Sure, but, remember that anyone can be caught off-guard. Maybe it’s by a dangerous individual who waits in a darkened bedroom for you.”
Like Slater had done.
“Or maybe it’s by a dangerous individual who slips past your guard because he might just have the sexiest smile you’ve ever seen.”
Campbell coughed.
Lynn rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I’m a cop, not dead.”
Anger hummed in Avalon’s blood. “Beau isn’t a threat to me.” And was she actually feeling a lick of jealousy? Because Lynn had noticed Beau’s smile? I definitely should have gotten coffee this morning.
“Not a threat? Ha! Keep telling yourself that,” Campbell muttered.
He isn’t. But he is a threat to whoever set that fire last night. Her gaze darted to the clock on the left wall. “Let’s finish up these questions. I have a limo waiting and places to be.” And a hero to go track down.
Because Beau was not going to leave her with the cops while he conducted the hunt on his own. Oh, hell, no.
And she’d been able to tell by the look in his eyes that he absolutely, one hundred percent planned to hunt. Beau was going after the arsonist. She intended to be with him every step of the way.
Avalon burst out of the police station as if the fires of hell were chasing her. The detectives had questioned her again and again, and most of their questions had focused on Beau. Dammit, if they wanted to know so much about him, why not just interrogate Beau? But, oh, no, they’d just let him waltz right out of the place.
She’d lost too much time.
She bounded down the steps and went straight for the promised limo. A big, tall, muscled male in a gray shirt and holey jeans lounged near the side of the long, black ride. When he saw her coming, he just casually reached out and opened the door.
“Took you long enough,” he announced with a sigh. “I was starting to get damn bored. Not like I love just hanging out in front of police stations.”
“Well, hello to you, too,” she returned without missing a beat. “Look, I really need to speak with Beau, immediately.” She stopped in front of him. Looked up. He was nearly as tall as Beau. “I’m betting you know exactly where your boss is right now.”
“Oh, I have a few ideas.” His hair was a darker, dirtier blond than Beau’s. But that faint drawl was very, very similar. “Hop in.”
She hesitated.
His soft laughter drifted to her. “Do you see any other limos waiting out here? Because I don’t. I am your ride. Beau told you I’d be here. He told you to get inside when you were done chatting it up with the cops. He said you could trust me.”
Nope. “He never said I could trust you.”
“Well, that shit is just hurtful.” One hand went fleetingly to his heart. “When it comes to you, I’ve been doing bodyguard duty for ages, and he should be more grateful…and trusting.” A long sigh. “Whatever. We gonna keep standing here all day or are you getting in the limo?”
She looked back at the police station.
“Surprise, surprise,” the driver-slash-bodyguard softly exclaimed. “They followed you. Bet they wanted to see me.”
She looked back at him in time to catch him waving to the watching detectives. “Love the new haircut, Lynn. Looks freakishly hot on you.”
“Who are you?” Avalon breathed.
“Consider me your hero’s brother from another mother. Now, I’m starting to sweat. In or out?”
She glanced at the open door. “In.” Avalon dove inside.