Page 58 of Savage Ice
She pressed another kiss to one of his scars.
“Sweetheart, don’t.”
“I hate that you hurt.” A flash of a younger Beau filled her head. The handsome boy in the hospital bed. Battered. But with the most amazing eyes she’d ever seen in her life. So determined and dark.
“It doesn’t hurt anymore. Promise.”
Another kiss. “I can’t ever forget that night,” she confessed against his skin. “Sometimes when I try to sleep, I still wake up screaming for you. In my nightmares, we’re going through the window, and I’m afraid that we won’t survive.”
His hand slid down and curled under her chin. He tipped her head back. His lips took hers. Carefully. Tenderly. “You think that you’re the only one with nightmares?”
Her hand fluttered lightly across his scars.
“I wake up, and I can swear that I hear your screams,” he told her gruffly. “You’re in the fire, and I can’t get to you.”
“You did get to me.”
“Some sick sonofabitch is after you again.” Anger. “I am going to stop him.”
“We are.” Her vow. Because the sick sonofabitch wasn’t just after her. He’d targeted Beau, too.
Beau kissed her again. Harder. More need. Lust. Less care.
She didn’t need care. She wanted passion and pleasure. The heat they created together, not the memory of a fire that wanted to destroy them. Her hands shoved against the sheet so she could get it out of her way. Then she was straddling him. Her legs curled around him, and the head of his cock thrust toward her. It would be so easy to take that head inside.
“Condom,” he growled.
“Drawer,” she growled back even as she began to kiss his neck. His body was taut and so powerful against hers. She felt him stretch and knew he was snagging another condom.
Her mouth kept feathering over him. Her hips rocked against his cock. Then her fingers trailed down to grab his heavy dick. Long. Hard. Thick.
She stroked him. Pumped. And wanted to taste him.
He’d lifted her up. Off him. Yanked on the condom and had her spread beneath him on the bed.
In basically a blink of time.
Avalon peered up at him. “You, ah, move fast.”
“I should go slow with you.”
Not exactly what she’d meant.
“But I can’t. It’s like I haven’t already had you once.” His hands had slammed into the mattress beside her. “I need in you again.”
She wanted him in. By all means, go in.
His cock pushed against her opening.
“Consider this your invitation.” She arched against him.
He slammed deep. And there was no more talking. Because he’d been right—it was like they hadn’t just had sex. Like pleasure hadn’t just rocked Avalon to her core. Her body was just as hungry and aching. She was just as desperate as before. A cry broke from her lips as he filled her, and there was no more control. She arched and twisted. They heaved together.
He caught her legs and lifted them over his powerful shoulders so that he could plunge in even deeper. She started to scream as the pleasure built, but his mouth swooped over hers, and he drank in the sound.
One of his hands had flown down between their bodies. He relentlessly thrummed her clit. Over and over as he thrust in and out. The bed slammed into the wall, and Avalon came so hard that she thought she might actually pass out.