Page 76 of Savage Ice
“Want to hear some crazy stuff?” she asked him.
“I think I knew you were in my life.”
He shook his head. No, she hadn’t.
“I never saw you. Or your goons.”
They hadn’t been goons.
“Because if I had, that would have freaked me the hell out.”
He hadn’t gotten close enough to freak her out. And he’d tried to be so careful but… “Everett knew I was watching you. I think he might have come to LeBlanc’s because he was studying me.” But how did that work out for you in the end, Slasher? While Everett had been in LeBlanc’s, he’d become prey.
Another dark story Beau would have to tell Avalon.
“When my parents died, I felt so alone. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. Where I was supposed to go. My past haunted me—it still does—and I was so uncertain all the time and then I just…I swear, I could feel you.”
He shook his head.
But he saw her reflection, and he saw her come closer.
“When I walked into LeBlanc’s, I saw you behind the bar, and I could have sworn the whole world stopped spinning for just a moment. Not the boy I remembered, but a man I absolutely recognized with every part of my being.” She was right behind him now. Her hand rose and pressed to his shoulder. Lightly skimmed over the scars that marked him. “When we were kids, you were willing to die in order to protect me.”
He spun toward her. Caught her hand. “I’m sure I warned you about touching me.”
She smiled at him. Those dimples—those damn dimples had his heart aching. “I am scared of many things in this world. I’m pretty sure I just went over a rather extensive list for you. But you know what wasn’t on the list? Or who wasn’t?” She rose onto her tiptoes. Her lips brushed over his jaw. “You.”
He should have been at the top of her list. Hadn’t she heard what he’d confessed?
“We aren’t kids any longer.” She kissed his jaw again.
His hand remained locked around her wrist. He could feel the frantic beat of her pulse beneath his touch.
“But I still know that you’d die to protect me, wouldn’t you?”
“Killing is more effective than dying, but, yeah, sweetheart, for you, I’d do both.” In a heartbeat.
“And you’ve been hunting my arsonist.”
“I suspect my hunt is what has spurred him into action again.” Dammit. My fault. “Ophelia and Lane think that they might be able to tie a few more arsons to him. They were going to head out of town to chase down those leads, but then LeBlanc’s went up in flames.”
“We don’t need to head out of town in order to find him. He’s here.”
“He was clearly telling me to back the hell off.” A giant message as his bar burned.
Another kiss. This time, on his neck. Over the pulse that raced even faster than hers. “You aren’t going to back off.”
Her tongue licked against his skin. Then she sucked.
His eyes closed.
A sensual bite followed. One that had his dick shoving hard against the zipper of his jeans. I warned her. Why didn’t she listen?
“What are you going to do?” A soft taunt from Avalon. “Catch him, cuff him…and then slap a bow on the bastard?”