Page 92 of Savage Ice
I’ve never been one hundred percent innocent.
“Why would they want to take you in?”
He was sure there would be plenty of reasons. “Trust me, okay? I want you to call Ophelia as soon as they cuff me. And I want you to take my phone—right now—and I want you to send a text to Royal. He’s my first contact in the phone.”
She grabbed for his phone. “What do I tell him?”
“Code Avalon.”
“He’ll stay with you until I get free.”
“You don’t know that they are arresting you!” But from the corner of his eye, he saw her fire off the text.
He pulled the vehicle to the side of the road. “I’ve been through this routine a time or twenty, sweetheart. I know how it will go down.” After rolling down the driver’s side window, he put his hands flat on the dash. “Trust me. Trust Ophelia. Lane. Royal. The people I just listed, but no one else, got it?”
“And remember that I love you.”
Her mouth dropped open. He would have liked to kiss that beautiful mouth, but two uniformed officers were racing toward his car with their guns drawn.
“Beau LeBlanc!” A shout from the closest cop. “Come out with your hands up!”
He sent Avalon a wink of reassurance. “Totally have this under control.”
“You totally do not.” She’d gone pale.
“Stay in the car, sweetheart. Please.” He opened his door. “I really want to call my friend Ophelia,” he announced as he climbed out. “Don’t want to chat without my good buddy. And, by the way, I have a knife strapped to my ankle.”
The cops leapt for him.
Chapter Nineteen
“He hasn’t done anything!” Avalon felt like an absolute broken record as she paced in front of Detective Lynn Baker’s desk. “I’m telling you, Beau was with me all day! He didn’t?—”
Lynn’s sigh cut through her words. “I know he was with you. Colton Ross said you were present when Beau assaulted him with a knife.”
Her stomach dipped. “That was a misunderstanding.” She’d insisted on going to the police station. Beau had been cuffed right in front of her. Cuffed and pushed into the back of a patrol car. “We were at my house. We thought the arson investigator was an intruder!”
“He wasn’t an intruder. He was a man doing his job. You shouldn’t have been there. Beau shouldn’t have attacked him with a knife.” Lynn’s gaze was steady. “Colton called in the attack the minute Beau left. An APB was put out for Beau, and…here we are.”
At the police station. With Beau being booked and questioned and Avalon about to go out of her head with worry and frustration.
“Don’t you think it’s about time you saw him for what he is?” Lynn asked. The detective winced. “I get it. Truly. You are hardly the first woman to fall for the wrong man.”
“Beau isn’t wrong.”
“From where I am sitting, there is very little that is right about him.” Lynn held up her hand and began ticking off issues. “He was at the prison when the riot went down and an inmate died. Don’t tell me that’s not suspicious. One word from Beau—one whisper—and he probably set the whole thing in motion.”
“No.” Avalon shook her head.
“And do you know how much insurance he has on LeBlanc’s? The man is set to get a windfall.”
“He already has plenty of money. I’ve seen his house.”
“Yeah, well, just where do you think Beau got all his cash? You actually think he earned it the old-fashioned, honest way?” Mocking. “Come on, you are smarter than this.”