Page 12 of A Blend of Nero
Besides, I wanted to earn my paycheck and not just live off my inheritance. I didn’t want to be paid just because my family was loaded and had the money either. Laurent and Chardonnay practically ran the entire establishment. As the winemaker, Franc was the backbone of the entire entity. Rhone, as his assistant, was the only one who could run that portion of the business if God forbid something happened to Franc. Sherry ran all the events that brought in a shit ton of money and got our family run vineyard in all the wedding publications. And Rose not only made sure everyone on social media saw all those publications but also created buzz to get people in the doors. What the hell did I do? Winked at a few women, flashed my charm, and sold some cases of wine?
I was the low man on the totem pole, but I never wanted to show that hand. I needed my siblings to see my value, my worth, even if, unlike them, I was completely replaceable.
“Uncle Nero!” a tiny voice came from the front doors, and I spun just as my nephew barreled toward me.
I stepped out from behind the bar and braced myself as Gio flung his body into my leg. All the chaos in my brain settled as I held my hand out and did our secret handshake that we came up with just for us.
“What are you doing here, bud?” I ruffled his hair, and he stepped from under my hand.
“Dad and Quinn are taking me to the park, but Dad had to come here first. He said I could say hi.”
Heat spread through my chest, and I swore my heart doubled in size. I had no idea a kid that wasn’t my own could bring so much joy and love to my life.
“And Dad said if I’m good, we can stop by Aunt Lainey’s and have some cake! She won’t be there, but Austin will be.”
My lip twitched at the mention of Lanes. Luckily, my brother wasn’t around to catch it, and Gio was too young to understand.
“You better behave, then. Aunt Lainey’s cake is hard to miss out on.”
“I’m always good.” His smile engulfed his entire face, and damn if this kid didn’t have the Grasso charm.
“I guess that depends on the definition. Your definition of good might be a little different from your dad’s.”
“But I am. I told Quinn she looked pretty today.”
“It’s a start,” I said.
“A start.” He sighed. “How much better do I have to do for some cake?”
“A lot.” I didn’t want the kid to have any unrealistic expectations. He had to learn that doing good and being good went hand in hand. “Just remember actions speak louder than words.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means you can’t just say you’ve been good. You have to show it.”
“But I put my plate in the dishwasher this morning, and I made sure Sally’s tank was locked.”
I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing. Sally, Gio’s pet bearded dragon, was Houdini reincarnated.
“That’s awesome, bud. It’s still only a start.”
He sighed again, this time amping up the drama. “I’m going to need a nap.”
I wrapped my arm around him to provide some support as his little world crumbled. “Welcome to life, kid.” I ruffled his hair, and he stepped away from my hand. He hated when I did that.
“Gio!” Franc’s voice cut through the tasting room.
“He’s over here with me,” I said, catching my brother’s gaze as he stalked toward us.
“You ready?” he asked as he approached and rested his hand on Gio’s shoulder.
Gio inhaled. “I think so.”
Franc patted his back. “Quinn’s in the car. Go on. I’ll meet you out there.”
Gio turned to me, and we did our handshake before he took off full speed toward the door.
“No running!” Franc called out, and Gio’s little body came to a halt before his smart ass tiptoed out the door.