Page 19 of A Blend of Nero
“I immediately thought of telepathy, but not anymore. You’re right. People say horrible things, imagine what they don’t say. Like that woman in the tasting room.”
The woman who pissed me off so much, I put my lips on Lanes to prove a point. I didn’t need to know what was in that woman’s head. I already knew it was a cesspool of despicable thoughts that made her feel better about herself. She was exactly why I would never want to read someone’s mind.
“She was an idiot.”
“I know, but it doesn’t mean there aren’t a shit ton of them out there. So I think it goes to say, don’t feel obligated to kiss me every single time someone lets their bad thoughts out of their mouth.”
“About the kiss… I never apologized.”
“Yes, you did.”
“I want to apologize again.”
She took her foot off the brake, and the car rolled forward. “You don’t have to. I know why you did it, and even though it was probably unnecessary, I appreciated it all the same. Now. My turn. Would you rather spend a night in a haunted house or go on a road trip with Albert?”
I tapped my chin as the question tossed around in my head.
“How are you not blurting out haunted house?” Her tone picked up an octave in exasperation.
“A haunted house would actually be pretty cool, but a road trip with Albert?” I held my hands up and acted like I was physically weighing my options.
“You would kick Albert out of the car at the first light,” she said.
“Most people would.”
Albert was a cranky old bastard who purposely drove his tractor on the main roads to piss off tourists, and also liked to pick fights at the town hall meetings, but it was all smoke and mirrors. Beneath his exterior, he was a cool guy. He was like an old, neglected dog. You just had to be patient and willing to work with him.
“I bet he has some great stories to tell, though. I’ve been trying to wear him down and open up to me. Did you know he was around in Vine Valley before Burt supposedly found that Big Foot track in the woods? Before your family’s vineyard even existed. He’s watched us all grow up. Watched many come and go from the town and life.”
Lanes always saw the value in people. Saw beyond the façade to something deeper. I always admired that about her. Respected it.
“He’s a Vietnam vet who has lived a hell of a life. He was drafted. Watched his number come up on the TV at Don’s. He was only eighteen.”
A slight gasp came from her. “I had no idea. I couldn’t imagine. My God… how terrified he must have been.”
He told me he damn near shit his pants, but he was called on to serve his country and wasn’t going to argue. “He was awarded the Medal of Honor.”
Lainey’s eyebrows drew together. “Isn’t that one of the highest honors you can get?”
“Sure is.”
“Albert… Vine Valley’s very own Albert… is a hero of war?”
“He’s more than that. He risked his life by attacking enemy forces that allowed his platoon to escape. He was captured. And was a prisoner of war for over a year.”
“Wait. How do you know this?”
“He told me.” He told me a lot more, but those things… I wouldn’t repeat. It wasn’t my story to tell.
“Albert?” Confusion consumed her tone as she shot a glance at me. “He’s not exactly an open book.”
“He can be. You just have to be willing to talk to him.”
“So he sat in the tasting room one night and unloaded his secret past?”
Albert would never. He’d be afraid of someone in town overhearing. While the older generation in town were well aware of Albert’s story, it was never mentioned. They were probably all scared of Albert. But when he was somewhere where he felt safe, he tended to let his stories flow more freely.
“Something like that.”