Page 39 of A Blend of Nero
“You know damn well I’m not charging you.”
“Fine, then I’ll wait for Chris to be done with his customer and have him ring me up.”
Oh, hell no. She was not going to go over me to one of my employees. How the heck did she even know his name? He’d only worked here for two weeks. When did she meet him? He wasn’t from around here. A drifter who moved to the area in his remodeled school bus.
“Can you help me or not?” She held out her debit card. Eyes darted to the ceiling, obviously avoiding contact with me.
I snatched the card out of her hand. I could cancel the charge later. There was no way in hell I was going to let her talk to Mr. Bus Man with his laid back, too cool for school vibe. Ironic since he literally lived in a bus.
“How many bottles?”
“Four. Three Sauvignon Blancs and a Pinot Noir.”
She always indulged in a glass here at the tasting room, but usually only bought a single bottle on occasion. When she bought multiples, it was for her cakes. “I didn’t know you used Sauvignon Blanc for your cake. Is it a new recipe?”
“No, those are for me.”
This time, she didn’t look away. She met my gaze head on. It was as if she was challenging me, waiting for me to question why she needed three bottles for herself. I didn’t need to ask what happened. I happened. Not only was I not good enough for her, now I was driving her to drink by the bottle.
I charged her card and, clenching my jaw, grabbed the four bottles and placed them on the bar.
Hand out, she pursed her lips and quirked an eyebrow. “My card please.”
I held it out, and she snatched it, putting it into her small card wallet. She went to retrieve the bottles, but I beat her to it.
“I got it,” I said, gathering the bottles into my grasp and rounding the bar.
“I can handle it.”
“Never said you couldn’t,” I all but growled as I stormed off toward the door. “Chris, I’ll be right back.”
“Take your time, man.”
Lainey hurried to my side. “I don’t need you to carry those.”
“Too bad.”
“Fine, you want to carry them, be my guest.” She couldn’t keep up with my long strides and stopped trying. I was out the door but stopped to hold it for her. Gramps taught me better than that, and I imagined him rising from the dead to reprimand me for being disrespectful if I didn’t.
She passed. “Thank you.”
I closed my eyes and bit back the sarcastic reply before following her.
“It’s starting to get a little chilly, which means fall is just around the corner. I’m looking forward to all the fall flavors. I’ll have to stop by Albert’s farm stand and see when he’ll be harvesting his sweet potatoes. It should be soon.”
The sound of her doors unlocking echoed around us, and I chanced a glance at her. She smiled, and all the frustration that was brewing beneath the surface exploded out of me. “Are you going to act like nothing happened?”
“Isn’t that what you want?” Her eyes met mine in what felt like a dare to deny it. “You’re the one who left. Not me.”
“I left a note.”
She scoffed. “How noble of you. A fucking note, Nero. Seriously?” She stepped toward me, poking a finger into my chest. “Tell me. How many other notes have you written? How many women have you left naked and alone with a sorry I had to bounce note?”
With each word, she poked harder into my chest. She didn’t need to break through skin and bones to do damage to my heart. The look on her face damn well destroyed it.
“Only you,” I admitted.
“Excuse me?” Her head snapped up, blue eyes that were always full of joy and happiness were dulled. I did that. I drained her of the one thing that made her Lainey. Her gaze bore into mine, lip twitched, the darkened storm brewing in her irises slowly transitioned back to that bright, hopeful stare I loved so much.