Page 44 of A Blend of Nero
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
I stood, spotted Sherry stomping across the path connecting the warehouse to the barn, and I dropped back down beside Wyatt.
“What’s the matter? Thought you were a thirty-six-year-old man.”
“Even I know not to walk into a lion’s den when the lion is angry.”
“I fucking told you, man. You must have really messed up. I’ve never seen Sherry out for blood. She’s the nice one.”
“Does Rose know you think this?”
Wyatt tilted his head. “Your little sister is the devil incarnate once a month. I throw chocolate at her before I enter a room.”
I laughed and buried my mouth in the crook of my elbow, so it wouldn’t carry to Sherry. “Does that work for you?”
“Sometimes. Other times I get the ‘why are you giving me chocolate? You know I feel fat.’” Wyatt rolled his eyes. “I’m still working on my mind reading skills. I haven’t mastered them yet.”
I shook my head and laughed again. Wyatt loved Rose with his whole being, and my baby sister couldn’t have found herself a better man. They never married, but their relationship was one that many who knew them were envious of. They were just in sync and balanced each other out.
My mind drifted to Lainey as it had done every chance it got since our first kiss. Maybe she was the balance I needed.
“What are you two idiots doing?” Laurent’s voice broke me out of my thoughts.
Wyatt jolted, peeked over the car, then stood. He shoved his hands into his jeans. “Nothing, just checking out the parking lot for glass.”
“You’re hiding from Sherry,” Laurent stated.
I pushed up with my knees and faced my older brother. “How do you know?”
“Chardonnay and I were having a meeting in the barn, and she tore through there like she was on a warpath. Do you know what’s up with her? Char said she hadn’t asked.”
“I pissed her off,” I admitted.
“This doesn’t have anything to do with you and Lainey in Philly, does it?”
“I plead the fifth.”
Laurent nodded, disappointment flashing quickly across his stoic face. “You fucked up.”
“Oh shit!” Realization widened Wyatt’s eyes. He barked out an obnoxious laugh then smacked a hand over his mouth. “She’s going to kill you,” he whispered.
“Let her do it soon. I swear to God, if your drama comes anywhere near my wedding, I will kill you, and I will make it a thousand times worse than Sherry ever could.”
“Wait,” I said. “No lecture? No telling me how I’m a piece of shit and Lainey deserves better?”
“That’s harsh,” Wyatt said.
Laurent met my gaze. “Why say the words when you already know it? Besides, I don’t have time for this shit. Fix it.” He started walking, stopped, and turned around. “And keep your dick in your fucking pants.” He continued on his way.
“I’d say that went well,” Wyatt said, patting me on the back.
“Fucking perfect.”
“There you are,” Sherry’s voice boomed across the parking lot. I took one hit, why not take another? The longer I dragged this out, the longer I’d be hiding behind cars with Wyatt like two idiots. Might as well just end this now.
“Uh oh.” Wyatt’s head snapped between me and Sherry, who stormed toward us. “I think I hear Rose calling me.”
“Coward,” I mumbled as he hurried away.