Page 59 of A Blend of Nero
Ron didn’t answer, his head tilting to the left.
“Ron!” Ray shouted this time.
Ron turned, and for a second he seemed spaced, but then his eyes cleared, and he shook his head. “What?”
Ray held his hands out. “What? What the hell are you doing?”
“I’m going to take a piss,” he said and pivoted left toward the bathroom.
I took a sip of my beer and nodded in Ron’s direction. “Is he okay?” I asked mainly in case Brady inquired for an update on his old man.
Ray swatted his hand in the air. “They changed his anxiety meds. He’s been spacing out like that since. Just needs some time to adjust, I guess. He’ll be fine.” Ray tipped his bottle to his mouth and slowly lowered it. “So, I heard you kissed my daughter.”
“Oh shit,” Teddy said and swiveled away from the conversation.
I choked and sputtered on my beer. Albert slammed his hand into my back, which didn’t do much to help but definitely added to my discomfort. Did someone see us at Don’s? It’s not like the coat closet was all that discreet. There was no actual door, and anyone could have walked in. Which only made me wonder, what the hell had I been thinking?
If Lanes didn’t stop me, I would have taken her right there in the fucking coat closet like some crazed animal. But when it came to her, that’s exactly how I felt. I used to use sex to my will, but now it was working against me, making me lose control and all sense.
But how could I stay in control when Lanes was wearing that skirt? She looked fucking gorgeous and all I could think about was slipping my hand beneath the olive green material and sinking my fingers into the glorious curves of her ass.
“Odette said it was nothing,” Ray said, snapping me right out of my daydream. “And I should just forget about it, but I don’t forget when it comes to my baby girl. So, care to tell me if I should be cleaning my guns?”
Thank God he was talking about the kiss in the tasting room. “Ray, you know I wouldn’t be an easy target,” I joked, plastering a smile on my face. That kiss at the time had been innocent, even if it was the moment everything changed.
“No, but it would be damn fun watching you run.”
I shifted on my ass and swiped my beer up, taking a long pull.
“So, what do you have to say about it?” he asked.
I didn’t want to lie to the man and tell him it was nothing. The longer I thought about it, the longer I daydreamed about my time with Lanes… it wasn’t nothing. It was damn well something. I just wasn’t exactly sure what that something was. My heart beat faster when I saw her. I instantly smiled hearing her name. I was completely consumed by every sound, touch, and taste of our time together, and all I could think about was when I’d get to experience it again.
One thing was for sure; I wasn’t going to talk this out with Lainey’s old man.
“If you’re talking about the tasting room situation, Lainey was helping me out.”
Ray licked his lip and crossed his arms over his chest. “Have there been more situations?”
“No, I mean…” Shit. What the hell was I supposed to say? I was known to talk my way out of a box, but right now it felt like I was backed into a corner with no escape in sight. “The kiss was Lainey being a good friend. Hell, a great friend. The best.”
“Your dick got you in trouble again, didn’t it?” Teddy said as he turned to join in the conversation.
I picked at the label on the beer bottle. “You all really like to talk about my dick.”
Teddy’s lip quirked, and I waited for the awesome comeback he was a pro at, but our attention pulled toward Ron. He stood in the middle of the room, patting his pockets first on his jeans, then his jacket.
“Lose something?” Ray asked.
“My keys. I put them right here.” He pointed to his shirt pocket.
“No, you didn’t.” Ray motioned to the bar. You left them here.”
Confusion swirled across Ron’s face. He glanced at his pocket again, hesitated for a second, then went and picked up his keys.
“You heading out?” Ray asked.
Ron nodded, and Ray stood. “Me too.”