Page 82 of A Blend of Nero
“What? No. I mean, I have always loved him… like I love you.”
“No.” Sherry toyed with the dowels in her hand. “You’re in love with him.”
Nero and I hadn’t even made it official yet. We were taking it day by day and waiting for the wedding to be over before making any moves. I hadn’t even thought about if what was between us was lust or love. But this man had been the man of my dreams for so long. He had managed to break my heart and repair it. I was a vessel of happiness whenever he was around. He made me feel sexy and confident, and whenever he wasn’t around, I missed him. Desperately.
My lips parted, realization setting in.
“Told you.”
“I’m dying out here,” Nero said before disappearing again.
I brushed off every thought in my mind. Right now, it wasn’t about me or Nero. I needed to get this cake ready to go for Phoebe and Laurent.
“Dowel,” I said, palm out. Sherry smacked the dowel in my hand, and we worked in unison until the cake was back to its original state.
Sherry held her fist out to me and I bumped it. “I never had any doubts.”
“Thanks, because I sure as hell did.”
“Guys,” Nero said, popping his head in again. This time, I smiled and nodded. “Oh, thank God.” He disappeared again, but his voice boomed out. “Without farther ado, it is time for the lovely bride and groom to cut the cake.”
“You ready?” Sherry asked.
“Let’s do this.”
Sherry and I rolled the cake out to the main barn, where everyone had risen from their seats and surrounded the dance floor. Oohs and aahs rang out from the crowd, and I couldn’t help but smile at the compliments.
Once the cake was in place, I handed Phoebe the knife.
“This is perfect,” she said. “Thank you.”
Maybe in time I would tell her about the almost disaster that was her wedding cake, but not today. “You’re welcome.” I moved out of the way and stepped to the side.
Nero came up beside me. He leaned down, his breath caressing my ear. “Nailed it,” he said, and I laughed. “It almost turned into an episode of Nailed It. Thanks for buying me time.”
“Whatever you need, Lanes.”
His arm brushed mine, then he intertwined our fingers. We held hands while we watched Phoebe and Laurent cut into their cake.
After, it was time to cut the rest of the cake and pass it out to the guests. I stepped forward, but Nero held me back. “The caterers have it. You haven’t eaten yet.”
My stomach decided that was the perfect moment to let out a grumble in agreement. I pressed a hand to my vocal tummy. “I guess I should eat. I’ll be right back. I’m going to grab a plate.”
My main course was at my table, but the appetizers were the good stuff, and those were in the kitchen.
I hurried to the kitchen and smiled at one of the caterers as I picked up a plate. “Is it okay if I graze?”
“There’s plenty here,” she said. “Eat as much as you want.”
“Thanks.” I filled my plate with a couple skewers that looked like chicken, a few fried balls I hoped were macaroni and cheese balls, some fresh mozzarella and grape tomatoes with basil—my fave—and a cute little pulled pork slider.
I took my plate to the main barn. Everyone was eating cake, so I stayed off on the side at a small table that was set up for the place cards.
I picked up the macaroni and cheese ball and popped it into my mouth. My teeth sunk in, and I waited for the ooey gooey cheese flavor to take over, but all I tasted was seafood.
My eyes widened, and I tried to assure myself it was cod or some other fish. The tingles started in my throat, expanding and constricting. Oh God.