Page 85 of A Blend of Nero
“And Lanes almost fucking died,” Nero blurted. “We almost lost her. So if you all can kindly fuck off.” I grabbed Nero’s bicep, turning him to me.
“I’m okay,” I assured him again, and I would keep saying it until that terrified look left his too dark irises.
The skin around his eyes pinched, a sheen of water pressed against his lids. “But you almost weren’t.”
I ignored everyone else and ran my finger along his jaw. “But I am.” His eyes slipped close, and I brushed my thumb along his jawline until the tension eased.
He inhaled and opened his eyes, staring at me. The room faded away. All that mattered was me and him.
“I know that look,” Franc said. “It’s how I felt when Quinn showed up on my doorstep after her car got swept away.” Franc shook his head. “Sorry I ever doubted you, Nero. It’s obvious now that you won’t hurt our girl.”
Nero’s eyes met Franc’s and the skin along his jaw tightened again. “I told you that.”
“I know and I’m sorry.”
“Let me take you home,” Sherry said to me.
Nero stepped in front of her. “I’m taking her home.” There was an edge to his voice that gave no room for arguing, but Sherry didn’t step down. She held Nero’s glare with her own.
I rested my hand on Nero’s arm and gently urged him aside. His muscles were a tight coil that felt like they might snap. I hated to see him so worried. I hated that I foolishly ate something without knowing exactly what it was.
He looked back at me, too many emotions to decipher flashing across his face. “I’m not letting you out of my sight,” he growled.
“And you don’t have to. Just let me talk to Sherry.” I smiled, attempting to show him I was okay.
With a sigh, he moved aside. I smiled at my best friend. “I love you, Sher, but stay. Let Nero take me home.”
Sher shook her head. Concern filled her eyes. “I don’t want him to hurt you again.”
“I won’t,” Nero said with a defiant tone. I glanced at him and shook my head. I could see that he was panicked still, that anger and frustration were taking over, but taking it out on Sherry was not the answer.
He stepped up to Sherry and held his pinky out to her. “Promise.”
“What did we miss?” Mrs. Grasso asked, glancing around to the crowd that still refused to leave. Confusion tugged at the corners of her eyes.
“Come on, Momma Grasso,” Wyatt said, draping his arm around her. “You owe me a dance.”
Gio ran through everyone, looking under the cabinets. “Has anyone seen Sally?”
“You brought Sally!” Franc exclaimed.
“She wanted to see Uncle Laurent and Aunt Phoebe get married,” Gio pouted. “I told her to stay on the hay bale. She didn’t stay.”
“For fu—fudge sakes. Let’s go look for her.” He placed his hands on Gio’s shoulders and steered him out the door.
Sherry stared at Nero’s finger as everyone else filed out for what felt like an eternity. Finally, she exhaled and hooked her fingers with his. I sighed a breath of relief.
She yanked him to her. “Hurt her, and I’ll kill you.”
“I’ll give you the knife.” Nero’s eyes met hers, unwavering and full of promise.
She turned to me. “You’re happy?”
“I am. I’ve never been happier.” I reached for Nero’s hand and squeezed it, trying to release the tension that was wound so tight in his veins. “Except for the whole almost dying thing.”
Nero all but growled beside me.
“Okay then. Just promise me you never talk to me about your sex life. I don’t want to know. Also. Don’t die. It’s nonnegotiable.”