Page 27 of Broken Heart
Oh. I don’t know. What do you think?
I think we have a fighting chance, but it might not be a bad idea to be certain.
How would we do that?
We could get together again one more time before the event. Just to be sure.
“Earth to Cooper.”
Wyatt’s voice broke through the thoughts I was having and forced me to lower my phone. Everyone was still in the office, staring at me like I’d grown three heads.
“I’m sorry. What did you say?” I asked.
“I… what’s going on?” he countered.
I shook my head. “Nothing.”
“You’ve never looked that happy while at work,” Tate interjected.
Jules gasped. “Oh, there’s a girl. Isn’t there?”
I didn’t respond.
Following an extended silence, my mom moved close, wrapped her hands around my arm, and squeezed. “Aw, Cooper. I’m so excited. Who is she?”
“What makes you two assume there’s a girl?” I questioned them.
My mom was beaming at me as Jules declared, “I might not have ever really been able to see you while you were here working over the years, since I was still in school, but I know you, Cooper. You would not be texting and smiling like that if Marco or anyone else were reaching out to you about something related to work. That look on your face says it all.”
Once again, I remained silent.
My dad took that opportunity to join in the conversation. “Is there someone?”
They weren’t going to let it go, so I figured it was best to just set the record straight. “There is a girl, but we’re not officially dating or anything like that. She got out of a bad relationship a few months ago and isn’t looking to get into another one.”
“So, you’re just friends?” Wyatt pressed.
If anyone should have been able to understand my predicament, it was Wyatt. He had a girlfriend now, but the start of things between them had been a bit rocky, considering she believed he was merely out to steal her family’s farm.
“We’re figuring that out,” I answered. “She’s the owner of the bookstore that I needed to repair the door on last week, and I happened to be there when a situation popped up. I’m going to be escorting her to the charity event for literacy that’s being hosted at the hotel next weekend.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful,” my mom said. “I think if you just take your time and show her the kind of guy you are, whatever is preventing her from wanting to pursue another relationship will no longer be a hindrance.”
I could feel the tension ease from my frame as I sent a small smile in her direction. “I appreciate that, Mom. But don’t get your hopes up. I’m just helping her out of a tough spot right now.”
“I’m not so sure I believe that’s all there is to it,” my dad stated. “That level of distraction mixed with the look on your face tells me there’s a whole lot more there for you, even if she’s not ready for it.”
Refuting that point would have been foolish. Not only would they not believe me, but the truth was that I didn’t want to lie about it, either. I wanted more with Skye than she wanted in return.
“Maybe. But for now, I just need to do what Mom said and take it slow. Whatever happens, happens.”
“If there’s anything we can do to help, just let us know,” Jules offered.
“I appreciate that. Thanks. Now, I really do have to get back to work, so Tate, don’t forget to get everything over to me. I’ll start reviewing it later tonight.”
“Will do. And good luck with the girl.”