Page 29 of Broken Heart
Over the years I’d been working at the bookstore, both when my grandmother was alive and after she passed, I’d met a lot of people. And while I’d come into contact with some really wonderful individuals, I wasn’t sure I’d ever met someone quite like Cooper.
He was just different, and I meant that in the very best way possible. There was so much about who he was, the kind of man he’d shown me, that was admirable.
“I’m not sure if I’ve told you this yet, but I think it’s very sweet that you’re willing to go to these lengths for someone you barely know,” I said.
He continued to smile at me—ever since that first time he stepped into my store, I hadn’t seen him upset—and replied, “I’m hoping that’s going to change. I mean, I know more about you now than I did when I stepped into that conversation you were having with Maria. And my goal is to learn more about you before we leave here today.”
I tipped my head to the side and assessed him. He was such a good guy. “If I’m honest, I think we could have been convincing after our dinner out last Thursday evening. I’m surprised, or maybe mostly unsure, why you felt getting together today was so necessary. I don’t want you to think I’m upset about it, though. I just don’t understand the reasoning behind it, considering you aren’t the one who has anything to prove.”
Without giving it a second thought, Cooper revealed, “I didn’t want to take any chances. I’m the kind of guy that takes pride in the things I do. And while that’s often related to the work I do every day, it doesn’t mean I don’t follow that same line of thinking in my personal life. I want this to be believable.”
Though Cooper had freely shared those words, which provided a sufficient explanation, I couldn’t help feeling as though there was something he wasn’t sharing with me. If I had been a gambling woman, I’d have been willing to bet there was more lingering beneath the surface, more that he wasn’t prepared, ready, or willing to reveal.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t courageous enough to ask him if there was another reason that he was so determined to help me stick it to Simon and Maria. Instead, I asked, “But don’t you think we learned a lot about each other already?”
Cooper nodded. “Of course. But I don’t think that means we can’t learn more. It’s safe to say we both have a great deal of understanding about each other’s family situations. It would be beneficial to know more of the details.”
I raised a curious brow. “Details?”
For the first time since we got out on the water and started talking, Cooper hesitated. It was different than when he’d held himself back from revealing too much, though. This time, he stared at me for a long while. The clear battle he was waging with himself was plain as day in his expression. It was almost as though he wasn’t sure whether he should clarify his position or not. Eventually it became evident which part won that battle, because he said, “Yes. All the things that a man who’s in love with you should know.”
My breath caught in my throat, and my lips parted slightly in shock.
It’s a game, I reminded myself.
Cooper’s explanation should not have caused that reaction; yet, here I was, struggling to get air into my lungs. Why?
The only way I’d been able to get myself to open up to him as much as I had when he’d taken me out to dinner was to accept that this thing we had between us was just transactional. There was no chance for something beyond simply proving to Simon and Maria that I had moved on and was happy.
But now, I wasn’t so sure. Cooper kept saying and doing things that made me believe there was more.
Seemingly aware of the effect he’d had on me, Cooper proved once again just how great of a guy he was. He reached his hand out, touched me gently on my bare leg right above my knee, and promised, “Relax, sweetheart. I wasn’t suggesting we’re in love. But I do think it’s important for us to appear that way if we’re going to be convincing.”
My eyes dropped to Cooper’s hand as that single word resounded inside my head—sweetheart.
I went from needing to calm myself down over Cooper making mention of knowing things the man who’s in love with me would know to needing to not freak out at the feel of his rough, calloused hand on my skin while he called me sweetheart.
But I struggled to be successful in that venture. Because before I knew it, I had visions dancing in my mind of Cooper’s hand on other parts of my naked body while he whispered that word in my ear.
Forcing my eyes shut, I pressed my lips together and urged myself to find the willpower not to give in to foolish desires.
I needed to pull myself together.
After taking several slow, deep breaths, I peeled my eyes open again and focused my attention on Cooper’s handsome face and gorgeous blue eyes. Then I squeaked, “What things do you think we should know about each other?”
He seemed to have cottoned on to the fact I was on the verge of losing my mind and the reason for it, so he pulled his hand away before he answered. “The little things, like what your favorite color is, or what you like to do in your free time. What are the things that make you happy, Skye?”
“I read a lot,” I said, telling him something he already knew.
Cooper let out a laugh. “Yeah, okay. I know that. But there’s got to be something else you enjoy, isn’t there?”
I thought on it for a moment, tilting my chin up to one side and tapping the tip of my finger there, before I said, “Food.”
Nodding, I confirmed, “I love food. I find I’m pretty happy whenever I’m eating really good food.”
Cooper perked up, started rowing the boat again, and stated, “See? This is the kind of stuff that’s going to be good to know. What’s your favorite food?”