Page 10 of Ciao Bella
I ran back to get my helmet.
“The crickets.”
I made a face. “I honestly thought the turkey run was a good idea, but they always put the loud ones in there and I need my—”
“Beauty rest?” he offered.
“Obviously not.” I snorted.
“You do own a mirror, right?”
“You do own a dick, right?” I got on the bike behind him and slid my hand down his thigh. “Nah, probably not… otherwise, you’d have more balls.”
“Hold tight.” He ignored me. “I’m riding this as hard as someone would ride you if you were marginally attractive.”
“Bite me.”
“I like my mouth clean, thank you.”
Ah, the joy of the first day.
We’d be lucky to be alive in the next thirty.
“Never say never, and never doubt someone born out of blood, they may actually thrive from it.” —King Campisi
Staring up at the giant brick building of torture did not give a person warm fuzzies, if anything, I was wondering how long it would take before Bella quite literally tried to come up with a solid plan to shove me off the roof.
She’d say she slipped.
I’d be a splat on the concrete.
What did I ever do to her that she hates me so much? I mean, I had a slight clue… Furthermore, why did she annoy me so much other than how spoiled she was and the embarrassment that I had always been secretly jealous of her?
I had to play nice, but the Abandonato Family was single-handedly the reason most of my Family died. I knew they deserved it, but blood was blood, it was engrained in me to be loyal to your blood, no matter how crazy it sounded, just another reason they made us swear fealty with blood—it made us one.
“Huh.” Bella pointed up at the same building. “Wonder if they keep the rooftop locked, might be a place to go and think.”
“About death, yes, all ten seconds before it came for you.”
“Dramatic much? Falls are messy, not enough torture, you know? I’m more of a slow poison or locking you on the roof and starving you to death sort of person.”
Do I invest in safety equipment and extra food, shit she had a tendency to get dark. Pretty sure her dad had a harness somewhere and I know for a fact Phoenix had a shit ton of rope I could steal, it’s stored in what I’d like to call, the dungeon right next to some shady looking machetes, several knives, and a noose that he often uses so blood isn’t technically on his hands.
And that’s just storage dungeon number one, his entire basement was a compound of torturous delights, though there was one room reserved for him and Bee.
I’d never asked, nor did I even want to know.
Ah, already planning on warfare on my first day back. Should that ever be a question you ask yourself in college? Yes? No? Maybe?
I needed coffee.
I checked my phone as we started walking in to the dorm, people gave us a wide birth. I almost rolled my eyes, they were so impressed with our money, good looks, ability to make people shit their pants, it’s like we weren’t even human anymore.