Page 52 of Ciao Bella
I grabbed one from Mark, one of my least favorite made men, and pulled her onto my lap. “Where’s my wedding present, beautiful?”
Her laugh was so annoying my ears pounded, her long white nails dug into my cheeks as she leaned down and kissed me, all tongue, no finesse, tasting like wine and cigarettes.
I fought not to gag and grabbed her ass. “Mmmmm.”
She moved across my lap, creating friction, and my sad dick deflated even more than it already had.
The men around me laughed and cheered.
And with each kiss of this random stranger on my wedding day, in front of every Family, I made a complete ass out of myself.
I made myself look weak.
Easy to control.
Too eager.
Too young.
I grabbed the redhead next to Dio and pulled her onto my other knee. “I really, really like presents.”
She bit down on my neck. I forced out a laugh when she was tossed off me and onto the floor by none other than Nixon himself.
“Hey, Dad.” I winked.
He punched me across the face, sending me sailing into the floor before picking me up to my feet and punching me again.
It hurt like hell. Was it sick that I liked it more than those kisses?
The pain was real.
The kissing wasn’t.
I didn’t cover my face when Nixon pulled back for a second punch, but I was saved by a sucker punch to the back of my head by a much smaller hit.
What the hell?
I looked over my shoulder.
Bella was shaking her hand in the air and glaring at me. “Time to go.”
I got to my feet and pretended to sway toward her. “I like the way you think.” I looked over my shoulder. “See ya, Dad. I’ll let you know how it goes when I make your baby girl into a woman.”
Hoots went up around my table while I followed Bella out.
Nixon’s eyes spoke nothing but murder.
But he knew. I gave him a vow. It was all for show. My entire life was a joke now… and would be until some lucky bastard ended it.
I gave him a slight nod and stumbled out of the reception hall and into the waiting black SUV.
Bella jumped in ahead of me.
There was no crowd. No throwing of rice. No honeymoon.
Just silence as we drove off.