Page 15 of Chase
“So, you’re the new roomie.” Chase states the obvious.
I sigh. “That would be me. And what are the chances.” I mumble the last part to myself. I think I definitely need some sort of ice cream sundae before I can mentally sort through this.
Or a shot of tequila. Or four.
I look up at Chase to see him grinning. What the hell that man is grinning about I have no freaking idea.
The question must have shown on my face because he says “Now I get to see you every day, whether you like it or not. James mentioned the new girl was hot.” He frowns after he says it, like he doesn’t like James thinking I’m attractive.
I scowl at him, and he gives me a small smile in return. I’m glad he’s enjoying himself. He’s not the one who is going to be homeless whenever he moves onto the next woman.
“Chase, do you realize how messed up this situation is?” I hiss at him.
He turns to look at me, the humor now gone from his eyes. “What’s the problem Layla?” he asks me in a worried tone.
I open my mouth, and then close it. I have no idea how to say this without offending him, so I’m, just going to put it out there.
“I was here. When you were last here, a couple of weeks ago? When you were yelling rudely at some girl to leave your room? Ring any bells?” I ask dryly.
Chase visibly cringes. Yeah I think he can see where I’m going with this.
“Layla, fuck...”
“You treated her like shit Chase, and from what I have heard about you, this is definitely not a good idea.” There I said it.
Chase runs his hands through his hair in frustration. “I’m sorry you heard that Layla. I know it looks bad, and I’m not saying I’m not that person you think I am. But I’m saying that for you- with you, it will be different. I will be different. You are different! I want you to trust me, to take a gamble on me. Just give me a chance Layla. I promise you that I will handle you with care, that I will make it so I’m worthy of you,” he says solemnly.
I know I’m stupid to consider this. But he looks up at me with his eyes, pleading with mine.
“I’m not making any promises Chase, I mean, we can maybe try. But...”
“That’s all I need. I’ll prove myself to you angel.” Chase kisses me on the forehead and says, “Eat baby.”
Then he walks out of my room and goes back into the kitchen.
I sigh, and to think I was so happy when I woke up.
Chapter Six
I get dressed in a pair of black track pants and a tank top and walk back into the kitchen with my empty plate. As I walk in I can see Chase, James and Kade all talking in hushed tones, the conversation intense. Chase does not look happy. In fact, none of them do. He is the tallest at about 6’3, the other two only slightly shorter. He is still shirtless, and I can’t help but admire his lean muscular build, his six pack and heavily indented V’s above his pelvis. His tribal tattoo on his arm is extremely delicious too.
As soon as they see me the conversation comes to a halt.
“Everything okay?” I ask as I slide past them and wash and dry my plate.
Chase stands behind me and plays with my hair with one hand, the other possessively on my hip.
“Thanks for breakfast Chase, it was delicious.”
“You’re welcome, and everything is fine. Just chatting with my brothers.” He whispers in my ear, making my hair stand on end.
I spin around, my eyes searching behind him to James and Kade, who are both still scowling in our direction.
“They are both your brothers?” The only resemblance is the blue eyes, except theirs are paler. Well James and Kade certainly look like brothers, but Chase looks like the odd one out. Chase grabs my hips and lifts me up to sit on the countertop, inserting himself between my legs. Okay that was hot.
“Yeah those two are my baby brothers.” He grins fondly as he replies, and I can see they must be close.
“James, I definitely owe you, bro.” Chase grins at James, who is still scowling.