Page 17 of Chase
Chase peeps his head into my room and says, “I’m taking you out to dinner tonight. I’ll be home around seven, so be ready beautiful.”
“Bossy much? What if I have plans?” I don’t, but still.
“Cancel them.” He gives me what I’m sure is his most charming smile, the one he uses to always get his way. And it works, damn him.
“Okay, fine.” I acquiesce, but none too gracefully.
He chuckles and gives me a long, deep, wet kiss.
“I can’t wait.” He rumbles, kissing my forehead, then leaves.
An hour or so later, I hear Nikki pull up. Knowing her, she probably sped the whole way here. I open the door to her carrying my overnight bag I left at her place and a bag filled with Chinese. Legend. Nikki looks gorgeous, wearing a loose off the shoulder dress and sparkly sandals. We walk into the lounge room, and make ourselves comfy. She looks a little nervous; I can tell by the way she’s playing with her hair. That’s her nervous gesture. Her face looks slightly paler than usual too. She covers it up quickly, by making me her focus.
“Okay, spill.” She looks ready to question me for the FBI.
“We just made out. I stayed the night at his house.” I hear her gasp.
I wait a moment, keeping her in suspense.
“Which also happens to be my house. This house.”
Nikki’s green eyes widen dramatically, and then she bursts out laughing. I can’t help but laugh a long with her. Before she can demand any more details, Kade walks in.
“Care to share what’s so funny?” his lips twitching. He plops down on the couch next to us, checking out Nikki and not even being discreet about it. Nikki’s eyes widen, almost hysterically so, when she sees Kade. The two of them stare at each other for a few moments before she speaks.
“Where the hell have you been hiding this one, Layla?” Nikki purrs.
Oh boy, here we go. Kade’s eyes narrow on hers for a second, before he smirks and replies, “I was about to ask Layla the same thing.”
“This is Nikki’s first time here!” I laugh. “But Kade meet Nikki. Nikki meet Kade. And feel free to continue to eye screw each other like I’m not even here.”
That got Kade’s attention. “Eye screw?” He laughs. “You can’t even say eye fuck. You are adorable Layla.”
Nikki grins cheekily. “Isn’t she just! So where’s Chase?”
I pout. “At work,” I gesture towards Kade, “that’s his baby bro.”
Nikki’s eyes widen once again. “No shit. Good genes much! So Kade, what do you do with yourself?” Nikki’s questions reminds me that I never asked Chase anything.
I know pretty much nothing about him, except that he’s seriously sexy, intense, and an amazing kisser. So luckily for me, my best friend starts her interrogation.
“I’m a business major. This is my last year until I graduate. James is in his second last year in engineering. And as you know, Chase is an architect.” I really had no idea, but I nod like I might have. They chat some more, and I find out a few more details.
Kade and James go to the same University as me, unlike Nikki who goes to a different one. Chase is pretty damn successful, and owns his own architectural company. I am a little intimidated. It’s a smaller business with two offices, one here and one located in Sydney, which is why he goes away a lot for work. He has definitely done well for himself for someone of his age.
James walks in a little later and takes a seat next to me. We all eat the Chinese and watch old music videos. I only have a few bites, because I am still extremely full from breakfast. As Kade and Nikki talk between themselves, James corners me.
“Layla, about before,’ I try to open my mouth but he gestures with his hand, “please just let me finish what I have to say.” I nod and he continues. “I love my brother, but he doesn’t have the best track record with women. None of us do really. Which is why we had all previously discussed that if our new roomie was female, we would all treat her like family, and no one would hit on her or get involved with her. But then you guys met last night, and now this has happened. I’m sorry about before. You guys both know what you are getting into, so I’m not going to say anything else. It’s really not my business, I just don’t want you hurt, and we really love having you live here with us.”
I didn’t know what to say. I settle for, “Thanks for your honesty James.”
He smiles and nudges me gently with his shoulder.
“So, we cool?” he asks.
“Of course.” I give him a small smile.
We all hang out together, chatting and laughing.