Page 67 of Chase
“So, Layla. How’s things with Chase?” she demands, nosily.
“How’s that any of your business?” I counter.
“Stay away from Kade.” She sneers in a threatening voice.
“Kade?” I repeat. This woman is a lunatic.
“Oh please, I know how these brothers work. They don’t care about sharing girls.” She says nonchalantly.
“Oh, so you’re going after the trifactor.” I say knowingly. She’s had Chase and James, now she wants her claws in Kade.
“So go after Kade? I’ve never seen him turn down a woman before, no matter how awful they are.” I tell her.
She’s silent, and I can’t help but giggle. “He turned you down? Ouch, that has to hurt.” I tell her honestly. I know I’m being a bitch, but she started it. Mature, I know. I excuse myself and walk back to Chase. He wraps his arms around me possessively. An hour later we are all laughing at a story Kade is telling us, when Aubrey walks in. I turn and glare at Chase, who looks over and sees her. His face grows angry.
“I’ll take care of it.” He says to me, before walking off towards her.
I see them walk off, towards Chase’s room. Oh hell no. I wait a few minutes then go to see what is going on.
The room door is open, and they are standing in there talking in what seems to be a heated discussion. Aubrey looks upset. Chase looks frustrated.
I walk closer, “Chase?” I call out. I don’t want them to think I’m eavesdropping. Although I’m so curious right now, I wouldn’t put it past me.
Chase glances over at me and says, “Give me a sec, Layla.” Aubrey gives me an evil look. I retreat and head to my room. I don’t get those two. A few minutes later, Chase comes into my room, without knocking might I add.
“Hey, sorry about that.”
I shrug. “What did she want?”
“Nothing, just needed to talk about something.” He evades.
I’m not sure what to think, but I’m hoping he will tell me when he’s ready. “Okay.”
“Okay?” he sounds suspicious. I almost laugh,
“Yes, okay. We are going back to the party or bed?”
“Definitely bed!” he growls, lowering himself for a kiss.
I’ve been dreading this. A family function at my parent’s house. My mother actually threatened me that if I don’t bring everyone, I’m in deep shit. It’s a couple hours’ drive, and Kade, James, and Nikki are in Kade’s Hummer behind us. I’m nervous, my family can be a little... overbearing. Okay, very overbearing. We arrive at my parent’s house, and pull up in the driveway. It’s a large two story house, a little on the old side, but still lovely. I love this house. There are lots of cars parked everywhere, so we find a spot on the grass. Mum runs before I can even open the door, and instead of running to me, she runs and hugs Chase. I huff. She then moves on to hug James, Kade and Nikki, who have just driven in, before lastly coming and hugging me.
“I’m so glad you came, Layla,” she says, “Come on everyone!”
She leads us into the backyard where there is a whole fancy set up, and people everywhere. My dad walks over and hugs me warmly.
“My Layla, I’ve missed you, baby girl.” He looks happy to see me, his gray eyes smiling, showing his laugh lines.
“Missed you too dad,” I tell him honestly. “Dad, this is Chase. Chase, this is my dad,” I introduce. They shake hands and start talking about who knows what. I see my cousin Sasha running up to me. She looks gorgeous. Her hair is dead straight and up to her shoulders, and she is wearing jeans and a blouse. She has a slender yet shapely figure, and she commands attention anywhere she goes.
“Hey Sash!” I say giving her a huge hug.
“Sasha?” I hear James say in a shocked voice.
“James?” Sasha has gone pale. “What are you doing here?”
“I came with Layla,” he says.