Page 77 of Chase
“I saw you, Chase! Don’t even try to lie! I deserve more than that!”
Chase walks over and puts his hands on my shoulders. “And I deserve you giving me a chance to explain.”
His warm breath fans my cheek, and it hurts so much to have him this close to me. I used to look down on women who forgave their men for cheating, but I would love nothing more than to forget this ever happened. If only it were that easy.
Chase takes a seat on my bed, and pulls me next to him. “Aubrey showed up, invited and unexpected. She kissed me. Which is when you would have walked in. Baby, I pushed her away instantly. Why would I want her? All I can see is you, Layla.”
I take a shaky breath, considering his words. I look at him, and for the first time, notice his lip is cut and swollen. Looks like Kade had a ‘talk’ with him after all. I don’t like that he was hurt, I find it brings me no satisfaction.
“You kept so much from me, Chase,” I whisper, my voice breaking.
“I tried to protect you, Layla... I know I’ve fucked up. A lot. I handled everything badly. Let me fix it, Layla. I want to spend the rest of my life making it up to you.” His voice is full on sincerity. “I’ll explain everything.. I’ll...”
“Chase, I need to say something first, okay?” I say, cutting him off. “It’s something you will probably be upset about, and I’m sorry, but it’s happened, and now...” I trail off. At first he seems hesitant for me to continue, looking worried, but then he nods encouragingly.
“I’m pregnant,” I blurt.
His eyes widen, showing his surprise. He goes to talk, but I cut him off.
“I know I was on the pill, but it can still happen and...” I swallow. “I know this is not something you want, and if you don’t want anything to do with the baby, that’s okay, I don’t want you to feel obligated or anything. I mean, if you do want to be in his or her life, then we could work out some kind of visiting,” I ramble.
Chase’s eyes narrow and his eyes harden. A muscle ticks in his jaw and I can tell he’s mad.
“You think that I wouldn’t want anything to do with my own child? My son or daughter?” His voice is calm, but I can hear the rage and hurt laced within it.
“Considering you said you didn’t want any children after..” He cuts me off.
“Am I not entitled to change my mind about something I said, recklessly, when I was still grieving?” he says, affronted.
“Of course you are, Chase, but..”
“How long have you known, Layla?” he demands.
Trying not to cower at the intensity of his voice, I say “Since the day I saw you kissing Aubrey.”
“You ran off; by yourself knowing that you were carrying my baby? It wasn’t safe, Layla!” he snaps.
Now I was getting angry.
“Well excuse me for getting upset seeing the love of my life kissing his ex-girlfriend, after he didn’t come home the night before and completely shut me out!” I yell. I stand up and start pacing. “And how was it not safe? I’m an adult. I can take care of myself!”
Chase’s eyes soften at my outburst. “Baby, this is all my fucking fault, I should have just told you...” he sighs. “ I went out with Aubrey that morning because we went to the cemetery to bring Lilly flowers. When I got home, I was still out of sorts, and I ignored you. I fucked up, Layla. I’ve never had anyone, a woman like you, to share those things with. I just went to my apartment, had a few drinks and fell asleep that night. Then Aubrey showed up at my office and kissed me. I pushed her away, and kicked her ass out. Fuck, I know it looks bad, but how could I ever want anyone but you? You are my everything, Layla, I never thought in a million years I would be so blessed to find someone who is perfect like you are.”
“I’m not perfect.” I mumble.
“Maybe so, but you’re fucking perfect for me, baby,” he says meaningfully, staring into my eyes. He walks over to where I’m standing and gets down on his knees, lifting up my tank top. He places a soft kiss on the middle of my stomach.
“I love you. And I love our baby.” He rumbles against my stomach. He looks up into my eyes, and I can see his happiness, his wonder. But also his anxiety.
“I’m healthy, and the baby will be fine.” I assure him.
“I’m going to be a bit over protective, Layla, you’re going to have to deal with it.” He gives me a small grin, and then kisses my tummy again.
“Daddy loves you, little one. So, so much.” He almost whispers, his voice so tender it brings tears to my eyes. He glances up at me again. “Don’t cry, love.” He says.
“I love you, Chase.” He gives me the most beautiful smile ever.
“About time.”