Page 15 of James
“Hey!” I huff. I look over at Tee, to see her staring at the entrance. I follow her gaze and see James walking in, alone, and he’s staring right at me. I release a long suffering sigh, then down my shot. No salt or lime needed.
“Hey, pretty girl,” he says smoothly as he walks up to me. Pretty girl. He used to call me that all the time.
“Hey James,” I say softly.
“Who's watching Jye tonight?” he asks, frowning.
“My mother. I called you, but you didn’t answer. No surprise there,” I mutter.
“Sorry, I was working. I only just got in, had a shower and came into Steele because Chase asked me to check on something. Although it looks like he just wanted me to check up on all you girls,” he says, his eyes crinkling. My eyes zoom to his lips, and my mind goes back to the fateful night of Nikki’s wedding.
Nikki had guilt tripped me into being in her wedding. Don’t get me wrong, I like Nikki, and Kade is both a funny guy and my cousin’s brother in law, but the reason I didn’t want to be a bridesmaid was because I was stuck being paired with James. I could tell he was just as unhappy about it as I was, maybe even more so. Which kind of pissed me off, because it was him that fucked up our relationship, not me.
I first met James about four years ago. I was having a girls' night out with my friend Janelle, and he came up to me and completely charmed me. He won me over that night, that’s all it took. One night of being in his presence and I was hooked. I was still a virgin when I met James, and looking back, I was extremely naïve and filled with fairy tale romances and happily ever afters. Not to say I hadn’t dated around, because I had, but I'd still kept my virginity to give to the one. The one I would marry, spend my life with. The one who deserved to be the only man that had me in that intimate way.
After four months of dating, I gave myself to James. He knew I was a virgin; I was upfront about that with him. He told me he would wait, that he wanted to wait. Until the right time. Until he thought I was ready. He wanted it to be special, and he made sure it was. Candles, flowers, the whole shebang. It was beautiful, a night I thought I would treasure forever, and to this day still the most romantic thing anyone has done for me. James was attentive, gentle and tender. After that, though, we both let our passion fly. James was fun in and out of bed, creative, exciting. Our sex life never lacked, I never once got bored. I really thought James was my ‘one’, and I thought I was his. Until that fateful day.
It was a total coincidence I saw James pull into that woman’s driveway. I was on my way to Janelle’s house, and I was surprised to see him there, because he’d said he was working.
The next day James tried calling me non-stop, and when I didn’t answer, he dropped by my house, banging on my front door. I sat in my bed, ignoring him. I didn’t deserve to be treated like that by any man, love of my life or not.
You can imagine my surprise when Layla showed up at our family gathering with her new man, and his brother - James. What a small cruel world it really is. After two years, everything came back. The hurt, the despair, and the loss of the man I once loved. The only man I've ever loved. I saw James again at Layla’s baby shower, I was told none of the men would be there but I guess they decided to drop by. As soon as I saw him, I felt that familiar pang in my chest. I tried to slowly slip away, but with the first step I made his blue eyes were pinned on me. He stared at me for a moment, before he walked over and pulled me aside, telling me that he needed to talk to me.
“What could you possibly have to talk to me about James?” I asked him dryly.
“You need to listen to me, Sasha,” he demanded.
“If this is about me being no one to you, I’d rather not hear it,” I muttered. He dropped his head for a moment, a picture of remorse. After a few moments he looked back at me, our eyes connecting.
“I’m sorry, Sasha, you weren’t meant to be there. It was a misunderstanding, you don’t understand…” James trailed off.
“What don’t I understand, James? That I caught you with your mistress and you played it like I was the other woman?” I snapped. I could tell I pushed him with that comment, because his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. Noticing his jaw brought my gaze to his lips, and that sexy as sin lip ring of his. Before James could respond, Nikki came over asking if everything was okay. I took that as my cue to leave.
I didn’t see James again until Layla’s wedding, where thankfully I managed to avoid him. But at Nikki's wedding it looked like my good luck had finally run out. After Layla’s baby shower, Nikki and I formed a friendship. We became pretty close, which is how I ended up there, being one of her bridesmaids. I should have said no, but I couldn’t do that to her just because of James. I was civil, of course. It was Nikki’s big day, and I'd never ruin that for her. A smile was plastered on my face the entire time. Hell, I should have been an actress, because that was an Oscar worthy performance.
As the night wore on, I was a little on the drunk side. I think everyone was, damn open bar. I giggled when I saw James get yelled at by his date. I wondered what that was about, maybe the bastard cheated on her, too. She left, stomping the whole way out. I shrugged to myself, ordering a few more drinks. My cousin Tee was there and the both of us are known to get a little wild. Hell, even our parents tried to keep us apart as much as possible. An hour or so later, when I stood up off the chair and wobbled, I knew it was time for me to get my drunk ass home. I headed out of the reception, pulling my phone out of my bra so I could call a cab. I was trying to dial when a firm, strong hand wrapped around my arm.
“Where do you think you’re going?” a deep husky voice purred. That voice, shit. I stilled for a second before I turned around and opened my mouth to say something, but before I got the chance James’ lips were on mine. His hands gripped my hips possessively as he kissed me hungrily, nipping at my lips before he pulled away and started to kiss down my jaw. My breath came out in fast pants, and I stopped thinking about anything except what I was feeling right then. I could have one more night with him; maybe that would be my closure. Right?
I woke up groggily, with the worst headache ever. How much did I drink the night before? When I felt someone make a movement next to me I cringed. Then when the flashbacks of the night before hit me all at once, I inwardly groaned. What was I thinking? I mentally called myself all kinds of interesting and creative names. You never learn, Sasha! I opened one eye and peaked around. I slowly turned my head and looked over at James who was fast asleep. Time for operation ‘sneak out after a one night stand’.
I quietly got out of the bed and found my dress and bra thrown haphazardly on the floor. I put my bra on, and then the green bridesmaid dress. Walk of shame in a bridesmaid dress, that wasn't suspicious at all. I stifled another groan, and looked around for my panties. When I saw the black satin scrap on top of the television I quickly grabbed them. I was about to shove them on, when I realised they were ripped in half. Typical James! I threw my hands in the air in exasperation and scrunched the panties in my hand. When I spotted the rest of my belongings on the floor, I quickly grabbed them and started to tip toe out of the room. I was almost at the door when I accidentally tripped over James’ shoe.
“Fuck,” I heard James mumble.
Fucking shoe! I was so close!
I hesitantly glanced over at him. “I don’t know why the fuck I let you touch me, but it won’t be happening again,” I told him.
“Fuck!” he repeated, yelling it out this time. He got out of bed, and started getting his clothes on.
“I don’t regret being with you, Sasha,” he said in a steady voice.
“That makes one of us,” I hissed back at him, storming out. I called a cab, jumped in, and finally allowed the tears to fall. I’d wasted so many tears on him, and there I was once again. As the cab took off I saw James standing there, watching it drive away. His face looked strained, and his eyes were sad. Part of me wanted to run to Ryder, and have him protect me, have him go and kick James’ ass. Ryder would have said just the right thing, too, he always does. But I didn’t do that. This was something I had to bear on my own.
“Sasha?” James says, snapping me out of my thoughts.