Page 22 of James
When we pull up to Haven I find myself speechless. James is taking me to the restaurant where we had our first date all those years ago. I clear my throat, before turning to face him. His blue eyes are already on me, anticipating my reaction. My gaze touches over his blond hair, which is slightly longer than I’m used to, and then darts to his lip ring that I’d love nothing more than to nibble on.
“Is this okay?” he asks, slightly unsure.
“It’s perfect, James,” I whisper, leaning over to kiss him on his cheek. The stubble he has feels wonderfully rough against my lips.
“Don’t move,” he orders gently, getting out of his S8 and quickly walking around to my side to open the door for me. James has always been a gentleman. When a man treats you like a princess, you can tell he’s been raised by a queen. And I have no doubt that Lucy is nothing but a queen. On the ride over I asked him what type of car this was, and he told me it was an Audi S8. It must be a car he’s bought recently, because he certainly didn’t have it back when we were together.
“Thank you,” I tell him.
“I hope you’re hungry,” he says, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He knows I’m always hungry.
“You know better than to ask me that,” I tease.
James chuckles, shaking his head. “It’s going to be a nice change from my dates only ordering salads, but then eyeing my food like they wish they could devour it.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “Yeah, you might not want to mention your ‘dates’ ever again.”
James just laughs, ignoring my glare. The waitress sits us in the exact same spot we sat on our first date. The place looks different, of course, but I can’t help but feel sentimental. James pulls my chair out for me, and waits until I’m seated before he takes his own. We're handed our menus, and we both scan the items on the list.
“I hope you brought a lot of money,” I tease. James looks up from his menu, his eyes dancing.
“I made sure to bring my unlimited credit card, so don’t worry,” he smirks.
I stick my tongue out at him. “What are you ordering?” I ask.
“I’m getting the steak, of course. Let me guess, you’re getting chicken in creamy sauce with a salad and a fully loaded potato,” he says.
My mouth opens in shock. “What?”
“Seriously, Sasha, you order the same thing, or as close to the same thing as you can get in every single restaurant,” he says.
“I do not!” I deny. Okay, I do. James just gives me a knowing look. I scowl in return.
“Would you like to order?” a waitress asks. James orders for us, glancing over at me when he places my order to see if I'll object. I don’t. That's exactly what I was going to order. When the waitress leaves James gives me a slow spreading smile.
Ignoring him, I say, “We should call and see how Jye is.”
“He’s fine, Sash, mum said she'd call if there are any issues. You can relax,” he assures me, putting his hand on mine.
A new waitress saunters over and places our drinks on the table. I see her eying James, and not being subtle about it at all. When she drops a napkin in front of him with her number on it, I lose it.
“You’re fucking kidding me, right?” I ask the woman, my nose scrunched in disgust.
“Sasha,” James warns, picking up the napkin and handing it back to her.
Obviously not used to being told no, or not being able to take a hint, the woman leans down and says, “Keep it, you might need it for later.”
I lean back in my chair, glaring at her. I hate women like this. “Have some dignity, would you? You’re actually embarrassing yourself right now,” I say as calmly as I can muster.
“They always come to me, honey,” she boasts in a saccharine sweet voice.
“I’m sure they do. All things cheap are in high demand,” I snap. The woman gasps and storms off.
“You know she’s probably gonna spit in our food, right?” James drawls.