Page 47 of James
“What happened?” he asks once my sobbing is under control.
“James is married.” I allow that to sink in before continuing.
“He proposed to me when he was already married! Who does that?” I yell. Sax’s brown eyes widen and then narrow in anger. My gaze is drawn to the scar that goes through his left eyebrow. It gives him a sexy bad boy edge. I wonder how he got it?
“Fuck,” he curses, eyeing me not with pity but with an apology in his eyes. What he could be sorry for, I have no idea.
“Why are you looking at me like you’re the one to hurt me?” I ask, confused.
Sax’s eyes widen at my observation, before he says, “Guy screws good girl over. Been there and done that. I guess, I dunno. I’m not completely innocent. I hurt a woman as good as you once, so while I sit here watching you cry, I want to hit James, but he’s not the only one who is guilty here, is he?”
“Sax. Don’t let your past define you. Everyone makes mistakes,” I tell him, not liking the flash of sadness I see in his eyes.
“I guess,” he says, but I can tell by his tone that he doesn’t agree with me.
“Sax,” I start but he cuts me off.
“Do you want me to tell Ry to come home?” he offers.
“No, you said you would tell me the nice things he says,” I remind him, the tears starting up again.
“That’s right. He told me you were beautiful, smart, kind-hearted, feisty.” He raises his eyebrow at the last one.
“I have my moments,” I say with a slight nod.
“He told me that he loves you, a lot. That you will always be his baby girl no matter how old you get. When you had your son he was pissed that the father wasn’t there and you were alone. He wanted to fly over but then Trey spoke to him and told him that he was taking care of you,” he explains.
“Sometimes it feels like family is the only people you can trust,” I say sadly.
“That’s because you have a good family. Not everyone is as lucky, some have to make their own family,” he says gently.
“I guess I am lucky that way.” We're both silent for a few moments, lost in our own thoughts.
“What am I going to do about James?” I ask him, playing with the seam of my jeans.
“I can’t answer that for you, Sasha, but you’re welcome to bring your kid and stay here with me,” he offers with a grin.
“Really? We won’t cramp your style?” I ask him, surprised at the offer.
Sax chuckles, and it’s a deep, musical sound. “No, you won’t cramp my style.”
“I don’t want to interrupt any hot sex you may be having,” I say bluntly.
“Hot sex?” he asks, raising his eyebrow, causing the ring to move.
“Yeah, you know,” I make a hand gesture that could mean both nothing and everything.
“No, I don’t. Please explain it to me,” he says, his eyes dancing with amusement.
“You’re in a famous band,” I state.
“Okay,” he says, drawing out the word.
“And you’re, you know!” I try to explain.
“I’m what?” he ask, his body shaking with laughter.
“You’re a pretty good looking guy,” I say as casually as I can.