Page 50 of James
“He’s good. He might drop by sometime this week if you’re still here,” he says.
“I have to go and pick up Jye today, I’ll need to go home and get my things. I’m not sure where I’ll end up staying tonight,” I grumble.
“Well, you’re always welcome to come here,” he offers kindly.
“Thanks, Sax,” I tell him honestly.
“Don’t thank me, it’s your cousin’s house,” he says, a smile playing on his lips.
“Yeah, but you lent me your awesome T-shirt to sleep in,” I remind him. It’s a Morning Alliance one. And I’m so not giving it back.
“Yes, you can keep it, Sasha,” Sax chuckles, his eyes twinkling.
“Did I ask you?” I’m pretty sure I didn’t.
“No, but I could see the look in your eyes.” He smirks as he say it.
“Oh,” I say, standing up and collecting my plate.
“Yes, oh. Don’t ever try and play poker,” he chuckles.
“I’ll try to remember that,” I say with an eye roll. “I’ll clean up.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he says. He's so damn sweet!
“No way. Plus, it will give me something to do,” I tell him, grabbing his now empty plate as well. I clean up the entire kitchen, scrubbing things that are already clean. I wash and dry my clothes so I can wear them again, have a quick shower and then redress. I walk past Sax’s room and hear him playing The Script’s ‘Breakeven.’ He has such a beautiful voice, and I’ve never heard it before.
Sax plays the drums and sings back up for Ryder, but I’ve never heard him sing solo. The song makes my heart break. Is it for Lexi, is he not over her after all? Someone rings the door bell, jolting out of my thoughts. I quicken my pace, peeping through the peephole to see who it is.
It’s James. How did he find me?
I open the door and narrow my eyes at him.
“How did you find me?” I ask him, crossing my arms over my chest in defiance.
“We need to talk, baby,” he says, looking apologetic.
“Where’s your wife?” I bite back.
“I can explain,” he says, taking a step towards me.
“I’m sure you can, James. The thing is, you had a lot of time to explain, but you didn’t.”
“I didn’t want to hurt you,” he tells me, his eyes pleading with mine. I almost want to forgive him with the look he’s giving me.
“James, you’re married,” I say, stating the obvious.
“I’ve been living with and having sex with a married man. Oh my god, Jye is your secret love child!” I say in shock.
“Now you’re just being dramatic,” he says with a sigh, running his hands through his blond hair.
“You’re married. I’ll be as fucking dramatic as I want to be,” I snap.
“It was a one night thing in Vegas! We hooked up, I was drunk. I haven’t even seen her since then,” he explains quickly, probably before I can cut him off again.
“And why didn’t you divorce her straight away?” I ask him. The question of the hour.