Page 57 of James
I claim her lips with my own, swiping my tongue across hers. Then I flip her over and pin her down.
Time to play out my own fantasy for the night.
Chapter Twenty-Three
I open the front door, and start screaming when I see who it is. I wrap my arms around him and squeeze. Hard.
“I can’t believe you’re actually here,” I tell him, bouncing on my feet in excitement.
“I had to come and see my two favourite people,” Trey says with a grin. He looks handsome, wearing faded jeans and a black sweater. His hazel eyes are shining and his hair is styled messily, longer in the front and shorter in the back. I jump up again and kiss him on the cheek.
“Sasha, who is this?” James demands from behind me. I roll my eyes as Trey puts his arm around me possessively, I’m sure just to annoy James.
“This is Trey, my cousin,” I say proudly. James’ eyes widen with realisation and he steps forward to shake Trey’s hand. Trey is slightly hesitant so I give him an inconspicuous nudge.
“Where’s Jye?” Trey asks when we're seated in the living room.
“He’s napping. Are you staying here with me?” I ask, hoping that he is.
Trey stares at James for a second before returning to me. “No, I’m staying with Ryder.”
I can see how that would be a million times more fun for him, but still. “How long are you in Perth for?”
“A month, but we'll see how it goes,” he says.
“Who’s taking care of the bar?”
“Landon is,” he says with a grin. Landon is Trey’s best friend, and a total dreamboat.
“Can I get you something to drink or eat?” I ask him.
“I’m fine, Sash. I came here from Ryder’s house. I met Saxon and we hung out for a bit, got some food and stuff. He seems real nice,” he says.
“He is nice,” I say, my lips curving.
Trey stands up. “Okay, I can’t wait any longer, I wanna see him,” he says impatiently. I laugh. We walk into Jye’s room, and I feel the emotion pouring off Trey. He really loves my son. Truly.
“He’s gotten so big. I’ve missed so much,” he says softly, his eyes on Jye’s slight form. I reach my arm out and squeeze his bicep. I notice when Trey’s eyes land on the framed photo of the two of them together. He smiles, pleased that I kept this where Jye can see.
“You didn’t think I’d let him forget you, did I? The first man that was always there for him?” I say quietly.
“You did say you would brainwash him into remembering me,” he says, giving me a crooked smile. Jye’s eyes suddenly pop open, and he instantly sits up.
“Mama,” he says with a smile, his gaze then darting to Trey. His whole face instantly lights up as he quickly gets out of bed and runs towards us. Trey lifts him into his arms and they both embrace each other. I notice James standing at the door, watching intently. He doesn’t seem upset or mad, but he doesn’t seem happy either. I have no idea what’s going through his head right now. I leave Trey and Jye alone as Jye starts showing off all his toys to Trey. I take James’ hand in mine and we walk into the kitchen together. I start to make us all coffee.
“You okay?” I ask him when he says nothing.
“He really loves your cousin,” he says, staring out the window.
“He does. He loves you too, though,” I quickly amend, not wanting him to be upset.
“I know he does. I’m glad Trey was there for the two of you,” he says, and he leaves it at that. I know there are more emotions inside him on the matter, but he says nothing else and I don’t pry.
I pour three coffees, not able to stop the smile on my face. Trey is here, life couldn’t get any better right now. I see James’ body relax, a faint smile playing on his lips. “My woman and son are both happy right now, and I couldn’t ask for more,” he says.