Page 69 of James
“I want you,” I blurt out.
“You have me, always,” he says, his tone gentler.
“You’re it for me, Sasha,” is all he says as he kisses me with such passion, such love, I know that he means what he says.
This is forever.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
“Thanks for handling Nancy,” I tell Chase.
“What are big bros for?” he asks with a grin.
“How did you get her to walk away without the money?” I ask curiously, not sure if I really want to know or not.
“Let’s just say I found something on her, something she wouldn’t want coming to light,” he says, looking proud of himself.
“I’m glad you’re on my side,” I say, leaning back onto the bar.
“I’m always on your side,” Chase says seriously.
“I know,” I tell him. I have the best two brothers in the world.
“So when’s the wedding?” he asks. We're both sitting at a bar, waiting for Kade to show up. It’s our monthly brotherly bonding night.
“Sasha said she wants six months to organize it. She wants it to be huge,” I say with a smirk.
“Layla won’t stop talking about dresses,” he says, cringing at the thought.
“Are there any women that don’t like weddings?” I ask wryly.
“Tenielle, maybe,” he says, his lips curving at the thought.
“The man who tames her is gonna be one lucky bastard,” I say with a laugh.
“If he can handle her,” Chase agrees.
“Layla and she are so different,” I muse.
“Yes, but so close. Never seen sisters closer.” I hum my agreement. Kade finally decides to show up.
“Sorry I'm late. My wifey can’t get enough of me,” he says with a satisfied look. He takes a seat, ordering himself a beer.
“Maybe you’re just not handling your business first time around, so she needs more,” I joke.
Kade doesn’t even justify my comment with an answer, he just grins.
“I’m starving, shall we get something to eat?” Chase asks after we finish our drinks.
“Yes, let’s go,” I say, standing up.
“Where are we going?” he asks.