Page 71 of James
“Well, you see-”
“Did you swallow the baby?” he gasps.
“No, Jye,” I try to explain, but the laughter takes over.
‘What’s so funny?” James asks, as he returns from work. He takes off his jacket and tie, laying them on the bed before leaning down for a kiss. He places another kiss on my tummy before shifting his attention to Jye.
“Perfect. You can explain this to your son,” I tell him, looking forward to seeing how he answers this question. James kisses Jye and then lifts him onto his lap.
“What question, Jye?” James asks.
“Did mama swallow the baby?” he asks his father, a serious expression on his face.
“Um, no. Well, you see. When mum and dad love each other-”
I can’t take it anymore, I burst out laughing. James shoots me a glance, but I can’t help it. Jye loses interest and resumes watching his movie.
“How are you feeling?” he asks, taking one of my feet and gently massaging.
“I feel okay, my back is a little sore, though.”
I have two weeks left until our little princess arrives. James and I have decided to call her Indiana.
Indiana Lucy Steele.
James has been so attentive during my pregnancy, I couldn’t have wished for a better father for my children, and a husband for myself.
“I wish I could give you a massage or something,” he says, sounding helpless. I take his hand into mine and intertwine our fingers.
“How was work?” I ask, changing the subject. I feel a sudden stabbing pain in my lower back, and ignore it. Until it comes again. And again.
“It was good. I missed all of you, though,” he says sincerely. I take his face into my palms and bring it close to mine, so our foreheads are almost touching.
“I love you,” I whisper.
“I love you too, wife,” he says with a grin.
“Are you ready to meet your daughter?” I ask him, cringing when another wave of pain hits me.
“Of course I am, I can’t wait to- you mean now?” he asks, standing up quickly, a look of concern taking over his features.
I nod. “Can you call the hospital to tell them we're coming in?” I ask as he helps me up from the bed. I grab my already packed bag, getting ready to leave. I feel calm right now. I know the contractions aren’t coming too close together so I have time. Plus stressing out won’t help anyone. It also looks like James is going to be worrying enough for the both of us.
With a mop of dark hair and wide dark brown eyes, Indiana is a spitting image of her mother.
I couldn’t be more thrilled.
She has the cutest button nose, rosy pouted lips, and chubby little cheeks. I couldn’t believe how tiny she was. Seeing Sasha go through childbirth, I’m not gonna lie, it was hell. I hated seeing her in pain, and there was nothing I could do about it. I made sure I was by her side the entire time, holding her hand, getting her anything she wanted.
Doing anything I could.
I was the first to hold my daughter.
I was the first person she saw as she came into this world.