Page 53 of Decker's Dilemma
I feel...jealous.
But he could be.
“Demi? She’s my sister’s best friend, so we grew up together. She really is good at what she does, though. Trust me,” he says, our shoulders touching.
Sister’s friend.
He doesn’t mention whether they have ever been more than friends, and I don’t ask because it’s none of my damn business.
“You okay?” he asks when I go quiet.
I nod and force a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just deciding on what to call the car if she passes the check.”
He laughs. “And? What are you thinking?”
“Ari the Audi has a certain ring to it.”
Demi looks over and watches Decker laughing. In that moment, I know, as a woman, that even if she hasn’t had him, at some point she sure as hell has wanted him. You don’t look at a man that way unless you want him.
She closes the door and comes over to us. “You’re right, Decker, she’s good to go. Previous owners have taken good care of it.”
“Thanks, Demi,” he says, glancing over at me excitedly. “You got a new car. Fresh start, right?”
I nod. “Exactly.”
We sort out all the paperwork and leave in the new car, Mercy and all of her memories staying behind.
Decker hooks up my Bluetooth from my phone, so I can listen to my playlists in the car. Kyla Imani’s “Trackstar” plays from the speakers, her smooth voice filling the space. I park in front of his office, and turn to face him. “Thank you for coming with me. Can you tell Demi to send me an invoice for checking the car?”
“I’ve got it covered, don’t worry about it,” he says, undoing his seat belt.
“Decker, don’t be silly.”
“It’s nothing, Cara.”
He reminds me of the men I grew up with. They never let their women pay for anything. It took a while for me to understand that it wasn’t a sign of ownership or making their women indebted to them. It was about showing their women that they wanted to provide and care for them.
I purse my lips. “Okay. I’m bringing you lunch on your break today, then.”
It doesn’t cover it, but at least I can feed him. Food is love.
He reaches out and cups my face. “You don’t have to do that.”
“I want to.”
“Okay.” He grins, scanning my eyes and caressing my jaw with his thumb. “You are so beautiful, you know that?”
For some reason I decide that this is the perfect time to blurt out, “Have you and Demi...”
His eyes widen in surprise. “No, we haven’t. Just friends.”
“So you’re saying she’s never tried to hook up with you?” I ask, not believing it for one second.
I’m a woman.
I know.