Page 81 of Decker's Dilemma
“Yeah, but she’ll be alive to hate us.”
Clover nods slowly and heads to her bedroom to speak with Faye.
“You sure we’re doing the right thing here? The Wind Dragons sent him away for a reason,” Felix says quietly.
“And what is their reason?” I ask, needing to understand.
“From what I’ve gathered, Rhett is going to be their president one day. They need him alive,” Felix admits. “And with all of us down here, it looks like we have it all under control.”
They need him alive, but it’s at our expense.
“Why do we”—I motion to Felix and myself—“along with the Knights, need to fight Rhett’s battle here? Why are we the ones being put in danger? Give me one reason and I’ll back off.”
Felix just looks at me. He knows I’m right.
I can’t control what others do. I can only try to keep those that I care about safe.
They might be loyal to Rhett.
But I am not.
Chapter Thirty
Decker says he has to go and take care of some work, and I tell him to be careful. I’d never be able to live with myself if something happened to him because of me.
Con calls me and we have a long chat. I feel so bad that I haven’t been able to see her or get to know her properly because of this whole situation. I promise her that we will catch up soon. I know she thinks I’m just ignoring her and maybe don’t want to get to know her, but that’s not it at all.
I call Natalie next, missing my sister. “How are you?” she asks.
“Fine. I’m stuck inside, just trying to stay alive, you know how it is.”
“Don’t even joke,” she grumbles. “I’m doing the same. I had to miss two of my exams. Luckily they are going to let me retake them, but still. I have to come up with a doctor’s note, so now I’m going to have to bribe a doctor or something.”
“I’m sorry,” I say. “But you will still get to do them, and you will ace them, like always. I’m just happy to know that you are safe.”
“We are fine. We’re just worried about you. Dad wanted to come down with a few of the men, but then it leaves us without protection, and the Knights have said they will handle it. Dad’s not happy. He literally walks around the clubhouse all day, pacing, like a fucking zombie.”
“Tell him I’m fine. I’m living with an FBI agent, a cop and an ex-cop. I think I’m good.”
Natalie laughs. “True. And a sexy ex-cop at that. Mom said the sparks were literally flying off from you two.”
“I like him,” I admit.
“And I like seeing you happy, big sister. You deserve it.”
I’m smiling when we end the call, and Clover comes and sits next to me. “Where did Decker go?”
“To his office, I think.”
She hesitates, and gently nudges me with her arm. “I don’t think the men liked our plan.”
“They didn’t seem to, no.”
“They think that they have a better one,” she grumbles, wrapping her arm around me. “You know I love you, right?”
I still. “What did you do, Clover?” I know my best friend well enough to know when she is being sketchy. We don’t like to lie to each other, and there have been times, like now, when I can tell that she has done something or knows something I’m not going to like.