Page 85 of Decker's Dilemma
It’s a whole different world with Cara.
And I’m happy to be here.
It’s been a while since I’ve had something to lose, and although it’s scary, it’s also set my soul on fire.
Clover walks into the kitchen and wraps her arms around the two of us in a group hug. “Are we celebrating another day of breathing?”
“Something like that,” Cara replies, and I can hear the smile in her voice.
Clover lets go of us, pulls out a stool and sits next to me. “What do you think about the Marko meet-up?”
“It’s obviously a setup,” I comment.
“Yeah, but if we show up with all of our people, what can they do?” Clover replies, leaning her arms back against the kitchen countertop. “We can’t keep living like this. I think we just need to meet this guy and either come to an agreement or get him arrested. Those are our two options. I mean, there is a third, but it would probably mean one of us would end up in prison. And Uncle Arrow told me all about prison—it doesn’t sound like somewhere I’d like to go.”
“Your mom would get you out somehow,” Cara reminds her.
Clover shrugs, nodding. “Also true.”
“Let me guess, we say we are meeting him one on one. Meanwhile, all of his people and ours are there waiting to come out into the action?”
“Exactly,” Felix says. “Except he wants Cara to be the one to meet him so they can talk.”
“No fucking way.” I shut that down instantly. “Cara has nothing to do with what happened.”
“Yeah, but he’s fixated on her.”
“Exactly why she won’t be going,” I say through clenched teeth.
“Then who else is going to go?” Cara asks, scowling. “Decker, it has to be me. I appreciate you trying to protect me—in fact, it’s pretty damn sexy—but I need to do this. This is how it ends.”
“How does it end?” I ask, frowning. “With you getting your way by following your original plan of being the bait?”
“Yes.” She smirks.
“We can play this to our advantage,” Felix says, slapping me on the back. “I’ll tell Atlas we will meet this Marko.”
When the girls leave, Felix continues our conversation. “Let the women think that Cara is going to meet Marko, but really we can send Rhett in when he gets here. When did he say he would be back? Tomorrow?”
I nod, feeling uneasy. Is it because of the meet, or because Rhett is returning? Most likely it’s both. Rhett returning is going to save Cara, but if something happens to him, I know how upset Cara is going to be.
Do I think Rhett will want Cara back? He’d be an idiot not to, but I can’t worry about that right now. As long as she doesn’t want to be with him, I don’t give a fuck what he wants.
“Let’s just see how this plays out,” Felix murmurs, as the girls reenter the room.
“Okay,” I agree.
But Cara is not walking in to meet Marko alone.
I spend the night making love to her, and when morning comes I feel sick in my stomach. I’m not going to let anything happen to her, but there’s always a chance that something can go wrong.
“You okay?” she asks as she exits the bathroom, a white fluffy towel wrapped around her. Her hair is still a little wet, dripping down her shoulders, her cheeks flushed from the hot water and steam.
I want to tell her that I love her, just in case, but I don’t.
I’ll tell her when this is all over.
“Yeah, you look beautiful.”