Page 87 of Decker's Dilemma
“And what? You were testing me to see if I’d be honest?”
She shrugs. “Call it what you will. I know you have my best interests at heart, so I wasn’t angry, but we need to be able to tell each other things and trust each other. So yeah, I wanted to see if you would tell me or not.”
It was a test.
And lucky for me, I somewhat passed.
“And you aren’t angry that he’s coming back?” I press.
“I don’t want anything to happen to him, but you’re right, this is his mess. He should be here to help clean it up. I don’t want them to kill him, though, and I’m worried that is what will happen if he’s here.”
Suddenly Cara’s phone rings, and it’s her dad. “Hello? Yeah, hold on I’ll put you on speaker phone.”
“We were able to strike a deal,” he explains, and Cara and I share a look.
“What’s the deal?” I ask.
“Because his kid recovered from the bullet wound and is fine now, the Wind Dragons argued that Rhett shouldn’t have to die,” Rake explains. “However, retribution is needed, so Rhett is going to have to fight Marko one on one. He just wants to get a few punches in, I think, to save face.”
“He couldn’t let the gang see him not have any kind of revenge after what happened.”
“Exactly,” Rake murmurs.
“That’s a pretty good outcome,” I think out loud.
“We think so, too.”
We say bye and Cara tells her dad she loves him as we end the call.
So we have a new plan: Rhett doesn’t die, but gets knocked around a little, and Cara will be safe.
We all will be.
“Hopefully after they fight it out things will slowly go back to normal. I can find a place of my own, and we can go back to the cute dating stage,” Cara says.
I laugh and press my lips against her neck. “I’ll try to drag the honeymoon stage out with you as long as possible.”
She laughs and arches her neck for me.
And I just hope that she knows that I mean it.
I’m never going to get impatient with her, or take her for granted. I’m never going to put her anything but first.
She’s mine.
Chapter Thirty-Two
Decker, Clover, Felix and I pull up in two cars to the meeting place, which is at an abandoned warehouse. The FC must know this place, which gives them the upper hand, but at least it’s not where anyone else can get hurt. That’s what got us all into this huge mess in the first place.
We brought two cars just in case shit goes south and we have to get on out of here. But I’m hoping Marko keeps to his word and this truly just is a one-on-one fight.
A third car pulls up next to us, windows tinted. I know who is in there, and it’s going to be a little awkward to see him, like it would be with any ex. My new man is right next to me, and I know that’s going to hurt Rhett, whether he deserves my empathy or not.
I still care about him, and I always will.
Rhett opens the door and gets out. He’s wearing jeans and a white T-shirt, with black circles under his eyes, blond hair slicked back.