Page 91 of Decker's Dilemma
“I changed my mind,” Marko replies, laughing. “I think this will make it more interesting, don’t you think? And it’s still fair.”
Felix turns to me. “I call shot-gun on not fighting that tall bastard.”
Technically, Marko is right, three versus three is still a fair fight, one fighting at a time, but he knew this and brought in these WWE bastards, who could easily destroy most men. He didn’t want to just teach Rhett a small lesson; he wanted to set that giant on him to annihilate him.
That was Marko’s plan all along, to destroy Rhett—have him broken, beaten and bloody, and then still call it a fair fight.
I personally don’t think having one man the size of the rest of us put together is a fair fight, but this is what we’ve been given to work with.
And you know what? A big man goes down harder.
Marko doesn’t know I’m a martial artist, so he probably would have thought that we would have been easily beaten. Or maybe he does know, but assumes his giant will trump all...
And maybe he will.
But little does he know I don’t like to fucking lose.
Especially not when I’m fighting in front of my woman.
I quickly eye all the men, taking in any weak points just by observing their body language and posture.
“Let me fight,” I hear Clover tell Felix, and I wince, feeling sorry for Felix. I’m glad Clover isn’t my problem.
“Clover, no,” I hear Felix reply, his tone full of steel.
I ignore their arguing over who beat who in the police academy and turn to Cara.
“Who is going to fight against that behemoth of a man?” she asks, whisper-yelling. “I have a bad feeling about this.”
“We’re going to have to fight these assholes.”
She purses her lips. “You’re going to fight him, aren’t you? Decker, don’t get me wrong—”
“What choice do we have? I’m the best fighter out of us,” I tell her, cupping her cheek in my hand. “And it will be fine. Have a little faith.”
“Oh, I have faith in you. But I don’t think I’ve ever even seen a man that size,” she replies, staring at said man in concern. “He looks like he could eat me.”
“No one other than me will be eating you,” I remark in a dry tone.
She flashes me a “this is not the fucking time” look and I can’t help but grin.
The fight begins, and we all move closer to the ring. Marko and Rhett both start circling each other, arms up in fighting stance. Rhett is taller than Marko, but as they commence throwing punches, it’s quick to see that Marko is indeed a good fighter. But so is Rhett.
“Come on, Rhett!” Clover calls out, encouraging him.
“Both of you stay together,” I tell Cara and Clover, and Felix and I get ready for whenever Rhett decides to tag us in. I’m not going to lie, I’m fucking nervous, and I don’t know how this is going to play out. If we win, will they just let us walk away? Or will he throw in some other last-minute rules and find a way to make us all pay?
I don’t trust Marko, and I don’t think that he will let us make him look bad in any way, shape or form.
Rhett lands a good punch to Marko’s jaw, and I know that had to hurt. He lets out a growl of anger and tries to lash back at Rhett, who ducks and hits him in the stomach. Marko gets in one good hit, but Rhett hits him back even harder and Marko falls to the ground.
He yells out, “Stalk!”
The giant walks over and steps into the ring. Marko taps his hand, smirking.
Ah fuck, here we go.