Page 20 of Rhett Redeemed
Con: I’d love to.
Shit. I guess I’m doing this.
Rhett: I can come and pick you up?
Con: No, it’s okay. I can drive there.
I have to try to explain the situation to her; I don’t want her walking in there blind. But how does one explain this shit show without scaring her away?
Rhett: I should probably tell you that my ex will be there with her new partner.
Con: Okay. That’s nice, that you guys can all be friends. Thanks for the heads up.
Shit. I want to explain to her that we aren’t exactly on great terms, but I decide to leave it. It might be perfectly fine after all. Who am I kidding? It will be a shit show.
And now when the MC sees Con, they will know that she’s the one I’ve been texting so much.
“We going for a ride or what?” I ask, sliding my phone away. Dice and Sledge instantly stop messing around and we get on our bikes.
The truth is, I’m not sure how this party is going to go. I probably should explain the situation to her in more detail, but I honestly don’t know how. I don’t want to lie to her like I’m lying to everyone else.
By the way, it’s a biker party for my ex’s sister, so my ex and her family will also be there, and they don’t know I’m seeing anyone and think I’m a huge cheater because I let them think that, so it might be awkward. But I want you there with me.
Yeah, I’m a selfish fuck, but it’s true.
I want her there.
We’ve been texting, calling and seeing each other ever since we exchanged numbers, and she’s become a big part of my life really quickly. I don’t know how she got my guard down, and I have no idea how this all happened.
For the first time in a long time, I feel good. I’m smiling at my phone like a fucking idiot, I’m not drinking just to get through the night, and I don’t feel so alone in the world. Con is sweet, she’s rough around the edges in a way that attracts me to her, and she’s down-to-earth and real. And she’s beautiful. She smells like vanilla and she’s funny.
And maybe Cara and Clover will like her.
Then with their blessing maybe I can finally move on. Maybe Con is the person I’m supposed to be with and I can pursue a romantic relationship with her. This is what everyone has been telling me, that there is someone else out there for me. I mean, I want to take it slow with her, but this can be a first step.
I guess we will just have to see how this plays out.
And if it’s meant to be, it will be.
The weekend rolls around quickly. I didn’t want Con to meet me at the clubhouse and have to walk in alone, so I told her to meet me at my house. Mine and Cara’s house. I know it’s fucked-up, but I had nowhere else to tell her to meet me. So now I’m standing out the front of my old house that I used to live in with my ex and waiting to take this new girl to a club party.
Why did I think this was a good idea again? I offered to pick Con up because I felt bad that she had to do the long drive for me. I’m used to it, but she won’t be, and her car doesn’t look as reliable as I’d like. But she insisted that she doesn’t mind driving up by herself.
Like I said, independent.
She pulls up in her little red car and I smile when I lay eyes on her. When she parks I walk over and open the car door for her, pulling her into my arms and giving her a warm hug. “You made it.”
“I did.” She looks beautiful, in tight black belted jeans, boots and one of those tops that shows a little of her stomach. Her hair and makeup are done, and she just looks effortlessly sexy.
“You look...”
She smiles and lets out a small sigh, like she is relieved. “So this is your house?” she asks, taking in the vast open gates. “Is this a bad neighborhood or are you just big on security?”
I smirk. “It’s technically my house.”