Page 33 of Rhett Redeemed
Cara laughs and walks me to the door. Before I leave, she gives me a big hug. “I want what’s best for you, Rhett. Always.”
I walk away feeling emotional, confused...
And fucking happy.
It’s been a while since I’ve spent some time with my goddaughter, and Clover said I’m welcome to drop in whenever I like. On the way to their house I stop and pick up some age-appropriate toys and pink roses for Sapphire. Never too young to set the standard.
Clover is standing out the front of her house when I pull up on the bike, her phone in her hand. “What are you doing?” I ask when I remove my helmet and turn the engine off.
“Taking a video.”
“Of me?” I ask, confused.
“No, of me.” She rolls her eyes and comes over. Of course it was of her. “I made some lunch, so I hope you are hungry.”
“Where’s Fire?”
She turns and points to a corner of the garden where Fire is sitting playing with some toys. I reach into my satchel and pull out everything I got for her, even though the flowers are slightly crushed from being in my bag.
Clover gasps. “Awww. That’s pretty cute, Rhett. You trying to get some brownie points?”
“Hey, you all might hate me, but Fire never will,” I reply with a grin, walking over to her and sitting next to her. “Hello, beautiful, look what Uncle Rhett got you,” I say to her.
She looks up at me and smiles widely. I hand her the flowers, and she takes them, the bouquet almost covering her whole face. She then laughs and throws them on the ground, and comes over to me and gives me a big hug.
I melt. “You are so cute, you know that? I brought you some toys.”
I nod, and lay down the doll, soft toy and bubbles on the grass. “What do you think?”
Clover comes and sits next to us. “You brought her flowers. She’s not even two yet. I don’t know why I find that so adorable, but I do.”
“I should have brought you some, too.”
“You should have,” she replies in a dry tone. “What’s been happening with you? I heard you are overseeing Toxic.” Toxic is part of a chain of strip clubs the MC owns.
“Yeah, I was there last night. It’s doing pretty well.”
Clover nods. “People like boobs and ass.”
I laugh. “They do.”
“I went and saw Con at work the other day,” she says, surprising me. “I apologized for what happened at the clubhouse and gave her some doughnuts. I figured that everyone likes doughnuts.”
“Clover Black apologized out of her own free will? Holy fuck, I bet it rains today.”
“It’s Clover Banks,” she reminds me, like I could forget. “And I’m older now, more mature and less stubborn.”
I arch my brow at her, and she ducks her head sheepishly. “Unless you come for my friends or family. But I was wrong, and I said sorry.”
“That was nice of you,” I say, feeling proud. “You know she’s not the bad guy you have painted her out to be.”
“I’m slowly seeing that,” she agrees, kissing Sapphire’s head when she comes within reach. “Do you guys still talk?”