Page 77 of Rhett Redeemed
And until Marko is found, it’s probably a lot safer than being with me and made a target once again.
And when the time is right, we will move in together.
My number one priority is her and the baby being safe.
Until then I’ll be doing a juggling act.
And as for the Wind Dragons?
I don’t know where we will end up.
“I have a surprise for you,” Rhett says as I’m lying by the pool at the clubhouse getting a tan. I’ve started coming here every other weekend, just so it’s not always him doing the drive back and forth.
“A surprise?” I follow him inside where he has set up a candlelit dinner.
“I’m not the best cook in the world, but I tried,” he says, lifting up the lid on the plate and exposing his creation. “Chicken curry, potatoes and steamed rice.”
My mouth waters. “It looks delicious. Thank you.”
He pulls out my chair, and I sit down. “I hope you’re settling in here okay,” he says, taking the seat opposite me.
“I’m happy to be wherever you are,” I say.
Taking a bite of the chicken, I moan at the taste. “Did you actually make this? Or did you order it and pretend?” I ask him.
He laughs. “Is it that good? I cooked it. I googled a recipe, I can show you as proof.” He then takes a bite and nods. “Okay, yeah, actually this is pretty good. I should cook more.”
“Yes, you should.”
We are quiet for a few moments, enjoying the food and the company.
“I love you,” I suddenly blurt out to him. “I’ve known this for a while, but I’ve never actually said it out loud. But now we’re living together, and having a baby, and we’ve done everything out of order. But I love you.”
He looks into my eyes and smiles slowly. “I love you too, Con.”
And then he’s out of his chair, and by my side, kissing me. “You’re the woman I was meant to be with. You’ll be the mother of my children, and my old lady. And I’ll give you the world.”
I smile, watching him return to his seat.
I feel like this is a perfect moment, even after such a rough week, and I love him even more for it.
And then Bear sticks his head in. “Fuck, that smells good. Is there any more?”
Rhett looks at him like he wants to murder him. “Can’t you see we are having a moment here?”
“Want me to play violin?” Bear grins.
Zeke sticks his head in next to Bear’s. “Look at you two fucking cuties.”
Rhett sighs heavily. “Yes, there is more food; I cooked enough to feed an army. But you can only come and eat after Con and I have finished.”
They both disappear, grins on their faces, and I laugh. “I’m not just with you, am I? I’m with them all.”
“Love the man, love the club,” he says, and I nod.