Page 10 of Love Betrayal
She doesn’t blink. “Run. If you’re smart, you will run.”
She then gets up and leaves me alone in the kitchen. Wow, that went from friendly to intense. I’ve been dating River for almost a year, but why am I only now picking up on the signs everyone has been throwing at me? What is it about River that has people on edge? And why don’t I see that side of him? I think I need to start asking better questions when it comes to him.
I sip my soda and consider heeding her advice, but then River comes in, smiling warmly when he finds me. “There you are.” Bending down, he kisses me quickly and pulls me up to him. “Where’s Corey?”
“She left a minute ago,” I say, going up on my tiptoes and wrapping my arms around him. “I should get home.”
“I’ll come over tonight around ten,” he says, eyes dancing with amusement. “See, you can teach an old dog new tricks.”
“I’m glad,” I reply in a dry tone, shaking my head at him. But it’s nice for him to let me know what his plans are, and not leave me wondering when his ass is going to show up next.
He gives me a ride home, kisses me deeply and waits for me to safely get inside before he disappears to do biker man things.
“Hello, Hades,” I say in a baby voice as my dog runs up and jumps on me. “I missed you, too.” He’s getting older now, but he’s still my best friend and a wonderful guard dog. He’s never been that bright, but we can’t have it all, can we? He has his big Staffy smile on and it melts my heart. “Come on, you can help me with the gardening.”
After Covid hit, I started my own vegetable garden so if the world ever goes to shit, I have my own food right here. I went from someone who has never even owned a plant, to someone with beautiful indoor plants and a jungle in her garden, mostly native species. It’s a challenge finding what vegetables grow best when, and I enjoy being kept on my toes. I fill a basket up with lettuce, tomato, cucumbers and celery, planning on using it to make a salad for tonight. I’m washing my hands in the sink when there’s a knock at the door.
Frowning, as I’m not expecting anyone, I peep through the hole and see none other than Mark standing there.
My ex-boyfriend Mark.
All-American, brown hair, brown eyes, athletic build. He was perfect. Until he wasn’t.
We dated for a year and broke up a few months before I met River, when Mark proposed but I didn’t feel ready. I knew I had to end it with him when I realized I would never feel ready, because he wasn’t the right person for me. I could never see myself growing old or having children with him.
Ever since then he has shown up sporadically, frequenting places he knows I love, calling and texting, and now for the first time just simply showing up at my front door.
I don’t know what to do.
Did someone we mutually know die or something? Maybe his mom is sick and he wants to tell me. Not that I’ve met his mom yet.
Get a grip on yourself, Bella. He isn’t an axe murderer. You know him.
I open the door slowly, deciding to face him. “Mark, hey. What are you doing here?” I ask. Friendly but formal, those are the vibes I’m going for here.
“Hey, Bella,” he says, smiling widely and showing off his perfect veneers. “Sorry to just drop in, but I was in the neighborhood and thought I would be spontaneous and see if you were interested in having coffee or something?” When we broke up, I told him that we never do anything spontaneous, and he’s obviously held on to that.
“Oh, um.” I shift on my feet, trying to think of a legitimate excuse that will let him down gently. Instead, I take advice from Corey and just say exactly what I’m thinking. “That’s very nice of you, but I’m actually dating someone and I don’t think it’s appropriate to hang out with my ex-boyfriend. I think you need to move on and find someone who is a perfect fit for you.”
He lifts up his hand. “Actually, I just got married and wanted to let you know in person before you heard it from someone else.”
“That is awesome, congratulations. But I don’t think that required a home visit,” I reply, wincing. “I wish you nothing but happiness.”
“Bella, wait,” he says, before I can close the door. “I just want to have a chat.”
I hesitate, not wanting to invite him in, but also not wanting to be rude. But at the end of the day, I don’t feel like he would act inappropriately, so I let my manners win out.
“Okay,” I reply, opening the door and letting him inside.
He sits down on the couch as he glances around my place. “Been a while since I was here.”
“Yes, it has.” Because we broke up. Who wants to engage in a conversation with their ex? Or have them show up unannounced?
Not me.
No one sane would.