Page 20 of Love Betrayal
“Yup, and you’re welcome.”
I decide to just cut to the chase. “Ros, why did you sign my name? You know you are capable of signing your name on paperwork.”
Rosalind laughs. “I was doing it for you. This is the first big deal you’re doing without Julianna and I didn’t want people to know that you fucked it up.”
“I would’ve dealt with it. You put both me and Sally in a difficult situation. The signature doesn’t even match my own.”
She grunts, clearly over the conversation. “Please. No one will look at it. Is this what I get for doing you a favor?”
I take a deep breath and realize that what is done is done. “Thank you. Please, next time, just sign your own name.”
“Aye aye, Captain,” she says, and hangs up on me, clearly annoyed.
I know Rosalind forged my signature. But it was for the greater good. Would anyone ever really find out? Will it make a difference? Making a bigger deal out of this could get us into deeper trouble, so I decide to do nothing.
Including not telling Julianna. I don’t want to cause any more stress on her and there is nothing she can do about it now. It’s like telling someone you cheated on them after the fact. What good comes from that? People only do that to make themselves feel better. I don’t want to know that shit. And yes, I may be in the minority here, but as much as people say “I would want to know,” I call bullshit. Let me live in my ignorant bliss.
As soon as I think it, I realize what a hypocrite I am. I just spent the last two days demanding honesty from River. Do I really want to know what he does for the club? Do I want to know what he does to those who threaten the people he loves? Shit, I don’t know anymore.
Julianna surprises me on my lunch break, and unlike River, I’m thrilled, despite the secret I’m taking to my grave. We go to this cute little café I’ve been wanting to try for a while. They sell these thick yet light, fluffy pancakes that make my mouth water just to think about.
“I’m so happy we came here,” I say, scanning the menu.
“Me too, I was craving some pancakes,” she replies, smiling at me. “What have you been up to?”
“What did you hear?” I ask, arching my brow.
“That you went to the clubhouse yesterday and were seen running out,” she says, eyes wide. “What happened? Romeo didn’t know the whole story.”
I give her a quick rundown. She goes quiet, which means that she knows something but doesn’t want to tell me. “Come on, just say it.”
“Okay, but don’t say anything to River, because he would kill me if he knew I told you. I heard Romeo on the phone and then he told me everything,” she says, lowering her voice. “Apparently they found some guy following them and River brought him back to the clubhouse. Like he’s still there. That’s probably why he freaked out so bad.”
My lips open, then close. “I walked in on Romeo using some guy as a punching bag.”
Julianna looks at me. She’s not surprised.
“You knew.”
She nods.
“So you know that this is something River does regularly?”
She reaches for my hand. “Bella, he’s the enforcer. What did you think he did?”
When she says it like that, I feel dumb. “I guess I never gave it any thought.” And it’s true. Ignorance is bliss. But do I want to stay ignorant?
“Does Romeo tell you most things that go on in the club, then?” I ask Julianna, leaning toward her over the table and whispering. “I mean, I know it’s different for you—you’re leading us with him.”
“Yes, I need to know everything going on. But the little details about any violence? Romeo isn’t going to give those to me, especially when I’m pregnant. I get the PG version, and that’s how I like it,” she explains, tucking her blonde hair back behind her ear.
“River tells me nothing, and I know I’m not as involved in the MC as you, but I’m still a part of it,” I grumble.
She surprises me by laughing. “You’ve never cared about what goes on in the MC. You just want to know what River’s up to.”
“I gave him an ultimatum. Sort of.”
Julianna raises her eyebrows, her lips quirking to the side.