Page 77 of Love Betrayal
“And that is the only reason you are still alive,” Julianna snaps, glancing around the store, but luckily the staff members have all disappeared. I can’t imagine how hard this situation is for her, because I know how much family means to Julianna. But unfortunately you can’t choose your family. And Rosalind never cares about anyone but herself. Julianna is right to keep this boundary, because I wouldn’t trust her with Julian either.
“So that’s it? I never get to see my nephew?” she asks, anger flashing in her eyes. “You’re a selfish bitch—”
My hands flash out before I know. I push her, causing her to stumble backward. “Leave. Now.”
“I’m going to fucking kill you!” She sneers, pulling out a knife from her jeans and holding it out at me. My eyes widen as I stare at it. “Everyone only thinks about Julianna! What about me?”
I step back and reach for my handbag, which has my gun inside.
“Don’t move!” she yells at me, her eyes going back to her sister. “Even Mom and Dad think you are being unreasonable.”
Julianna makes a sound of disbelief. “Says you, with a fucking knife in your hands! What the hell, Rosalind?”
I take the distraction and grab the gun out in one smooth move, lifting it up and pointing it at her. If one of us has to die today, it’s not going to be me, or my best friend.
Her eyes widen, and she takes a step back, retreating.
And so she should.
She has no care for her sister, for any of us.
She’s not a part of our world anymore.
And frankly, I’m so done with dealing with her. First Corey, and now this. Julianna’s right—if Rosalind weren’t her sister, she’d be dead by now for everything that she has pulled. She is a horrible person, and the world would likely be a better place without her.
“You wouldn’t,” she whispers, swallowing hard. “Or have you turned into a monster just like River? You know what they say, you are the company you keep.”
“The only monster here is you, Rosalind. Now get out of here!”
A customer walks in, a lady who maybe has a decade on us, and Rosalind grabs the woman, dragging her to face us, and holds the knife to her neck.
Fucking hell.
This just went from bad to worse, and I share a look with Julianna, who looks horrified that an innocent woman has now been brought into this. I look over to the manager, who peeps out from the back room, and mouth for her to call the police. She mouths back that she already has.
“Let the lady go,” Julianna says in a softer tone. “You don’t want to end up in prison, do you?”
The woman looks terrified, eyes wide, silently begging for our help.
“Put the gun down, and I’ll let her go,” Rosalind says, eyes narrowed to slits. For a moment I consider taking a shot, but I don’t want to hurt the woman, and I don’t trust my aim right now.
I slowly put the gun down on the floor and push it away with my foot.
Rosalind smirks and opens her mouth to say something when she hears the police sirens. Realizing she’s about to get arrested if she’s caught, she lets go of the woman and steps back. She then runs out without another word.
“Are you okay?” I ask the woman, who is trembling. The store manager rushes out to help her.
And I hug my best friend, who starts crying, as the two of us calm ourselves. “Holy shit,” I say to her, rubbing her back. “Rosalind has lost the plot.”
“Put that gun away,” she replies, and I quickly pick it up and slide it back into my purse. The police enter, and we all give our statements. I get changed, and we’re about to leave when the manager comes out with my dress.
“It’s yours,” she says, smiling sadly. “Don’t let what happened ruin that fact.”
She tries to give it to me for free, but I pay for it, not wanting her to lose out on money. I don’t deserve a free dress for what happened today. It’s our mess that put innocent people in danger, and I don’t like that. I feel guilty as hell about it.
I don’t let what happened taint the dress, though, just knowing that I won’t find another one that makes me look like that.
Even if I’ve already had to aim a gun at someone while wearing it.