Page 91 of Finding Mr. Write
“Don’t pay you enough, period,” Daphne said. “Which is why we’ve had four publicists already.”
Sakura gave a tired smile. “You mean we aren’t just feckless Gen Zs who don’t want to work and don’t understand the concept of company loyalty?”
“Loyalty is earned… after the bills are paid,” Chris said. “Daphne and I were wondering why we kept getting new publicists, and she found the explanation online in some blog interviews. Between the cost of New York and current rates of inflation—” He stopped, realizing he was channeling Accountant Chris. He cleared his throat. “And we’re delaying you from putting out fires that need putting out.”
“Go,” Daphne said. “I’ll make sure Zane is fed for his stock signings, and I’ll sneak a doggie bag into my purse for you.”
Sakura thanked them and hurried off.
Daphne set her watch timer. “Thirty minutes to find the green room, eat, and ice your wrist.”
“My wrist will be fine.”
“Okay, then I guess we should find…”
She trailed off. Was she thinking what he was? That they didn’t really need food that badly? If they could sneak a little private time before the agenda kicked in?
Chris opened his mouth at the same time Daphne did.
“Ladies first,” he said with a slight bow.
“I was just wondering, maybe, if…” She glanced down and saw the book bag she’d set on the ground. “Oh! The book we got signed for your sister. We should send her a photo.” She rummaged in the bag and held it out.
That was not what she’d been about to say. He’d lay solid money on it. But now she held out the book with a quiet air of desperation.
He considered his options only to realize, sadly, that finding an intimate spot in this very crowded festival wasn’t happening.
“Sure,” he said with the best smile he could manage. “Get out our copies, too, and we’ll pose with all three. Unless you’d rather not show your face.”
“It’s your sister. I’m not going to hide.”
She handed him his book, and took her own and Gemma’s. They opened them to the signed pages and held them up while Chris snapped the selfie.
He leaned against Daphne for the photo, and she leaned back. They took a straight-smiling shot and then a few goofier ones. He picked two favorites and sent them.
“Okay, green room and food,” he said as he tucked the books into the bag and hefted it. “Lead on, Indispensable D.”
They’d just reached the building when Gemma texted back an all-emoji response. Then she added a text.
Gemma: Tara Palmer!?! I really do hate you
Chris: I got to sit on a panel with her, too. And talked to her. She’s great
Gemma: Hate you so much
He replied with a row of grins.
Gemma: On a more serious note, little bro…
Gemma: You look so happy
Gemma: Not sure when I’ve seen you that happy
Gemma: Tell me you’re going to make a move
Chris: I’m making them. Slowly but surely
Gemma: Slow is acceptable. Just don’t screw this up, okay?