Page 95 of Finding Mr. Write
Her eyes met his. “I…” she began. “That’s not what I expected and—”
“Hey, lovebirds.” Sakura’s voice cut through the darkness, and Chris turned to see her in a town car, the window rolled down. “Time to go. We’re running late already.”
Daphne looked at him, panic lighting those gorgeous golden-brown eyes.
He leaned in with a quick kiss. “Let’s put a pin in this. Either way, it doesn’t change the rest.” He squeezed her hand. “I’m still your Zane. Still right here beside you.”
Her eyes glistened as if with tears.
“Guys?” Sakura said.
Chris took Daphne’s bag and wheeled it to the trunk as the driver opened it.
Daphne had been in a daze since climbing into that town car. She kept replaying what Chris had said, certain she’d misunderstood. She’d been sure he wouldn’t want more than a fling, which made everything easy. But now he said he did… and that a mere fling wasn’t an option.
Did she want more? Her inner girl screamed, Yes! Yes! Yes! But the mature part, the experienced part, the damaged part, they all folded up at the thought and whispered, No.
The last time she’d been on this route, she’d been hurt. Hurt worse than she liked to admit. Yes, she could share a drink with friends and throw Anthony on the table as they congratulated themselves on the losers they’d lost, the bullets they’d dodged. But that didn’t keep it from hurting. She’d given her heart to someone who’d tossed it aside at the first sign of trouble.
If she said yes to Chris and it didn’t work out, she’d never be tossing his name on that table as a bullet dodged. No, with Chris it’d be something worse. A chance-of-a-lifetime lost. He’d given her a shot, and she’d blown it.
At the core, that was what she was afraid of. Not of winning and losing him, but of winning him and being so afraid of losing him that she’d give up the things she’d worked so hard for.
If they eventually had to choose where to live, Vancouver would be the obvious choice. It was his home, and she’d grown up in the area. She’d convince herself that she didn’t love the Yukon that much. She’d lie to herself to keep him. She’d surrender her own dream to be with him.
Then there was her writing career. What if it faltered—or crashed—when she came out as the author? She’d heard so many stories about seemingly supportive partners who didn’t get what writing meant to their loved one, no more than someone might get what living off the grid in the north meant. Writing was just a job, right? If it got difficult or stressful, go back to her old one.
After Anthony left and her mother died, Daphne’s world collapsed, but she’d built it back, better than ever. Did she dare risk that on a new love? How did she make sure she wouldn’t gain him and lose herself along the way?
Chris had said they’d put this aside and give her time to think, and Daphne needed exactly that. On the car ride, he talked to Sakura, but he rested his hand next to hers, his pinkie hooking hers, reminding her that he was still there, whatever she decided.
At the airport, they grabbed coffee and settled in for the flight, both of them talking with Sakura. Then it was on to the short flight, where they sat side by side, but the noise made it impossible to talk about anything. Which was good. She needed time, and he was giving it.
They made it to the interview with five minutes to spare. Now Daphne was in the green room with Sakura, where they’d be able to watch the interview.
“How would you feel about skipping this?” Sakura said.
The publicist had been quiet since the flight landed. Tired, Daphne presumed, but when she looked over, Sakura was watching the viewing screen, her expression unreadable.
“Skip the…?” Daphne began.
“Live interview. I have it cued to record. We can watch it later.”
“Shouldn’t we stay? In case Zane needs anything?”
“He’ll be fine. Even if he let loose an F-bomb on air, there’s nothing we can do. How about we grab a coffee?” She lifted her paper cup of brown sludge. “Something better than this.”
“I… really should stay.”
Sakura nodded. “Okay, it’s just that I was thinking about what Zane said yesterday. About wages and New York. I realized I need an accountant.” She looked Daphne in the eye. “Would you know where I could find one?”
Daphne’s stomach dropped, her mouth going dry. She told herself it was just coincidence, but Sakura’s cool silence said it wasn’t.
“Can we take that walk now, Daphne?”
Daphne nodded mutely and followed Sakura to the door.