Page 16 of Caden
Her sister made a frustrated noise and threw her hands in the air. “Mom is going to lose her shit when she realizes he’s part of that group. She’s been trying to run them out of town for years. And that you brought one of them to Lainey’s wedding. Her head might actually explode.”
“Good for her.” Olivia shrugged.
Elizabeth stared at her for a moment, eyes wide and disbelieving.
“I’m tired of Mom telling us who we can and can’t date. Who is up to her expectations and who isn’t. I like Caden. He’s a good guy. I’m going to keep seeing him. And if her head explodes then she can pick up the pieces or not. I haven’t lived in her house in a long time and it’s time she realized it.” Olivia clenched her teeth to keep from saying something she would regret later. She liked Caden and wasn’t about to let what her mother might think keep her from seeing him.
“What are you doing this afternoon?”
“Going out with Caden.” Olivia checked the clock on the wall across the room. “He’ll be here to pick me up soon.” She watched Elizabeth hoping she would take the hint and leave.
“Have you heard anything from Lainey today?” her sister asked instead.
“I haven’t talked to her, but I didn’t expect to. I did have a text from her today letting me know they were getting ready to board their plane. I wished her a good trip, but haven’t heard anything else. I don’t expect to. She’s on her honeymoon. Let them enjoy each other.”
Elizabeth snorted. “As if they haven’t been living together for the last two years. I’m not sure why they’re making such a big deal about finally getting married.”
“They wanted to, and since they paid for it, I don’t begrudge them any of it. It made them happy. Let them have what they want.” Olivia shook her head.
Elizabeth let out a sound of exasperation, as if she’d expected Olivia to feel the same way she did.
“If there’s nothing else, I need to finish getting ready before Caden gets here. He’ll be here any time.” She glanced toward the door, hoping her sister would take the hint.
She did. Elizabeth said goodbye and left. Olivia watched as her car pulled away from the curb, replaced only a couple moments later by a motorcycle. Olivia found herself rooted to the spot, watching as the rider stepped off the bike and pulled off his helmet, setting it on top of the gas tank before heading for her door.
As Caden took the steps up to the door, she found herself grinning up at him.
“I didn’t know you were bringing the bike.”
“I hope that’s okay. Have you ever ridden one?”
Olivia shook her head.
“That’s okay. I’ll do all the work, you just need to follow my lead.”
She stepped back and let him inside. He stepped in, let the door close behind him then moved close. One arm hooked around her waist, and she found herself staring up at him as his head lowered to hers.
One brief, searing kiss later he stepped back and looked her up and down.
“That will do,” he motioned to what she wore, “but do you have a jacket? Denim will do, but leather would be better.”
Olivia blinked at him a moment before the meaning of his words registered. Her brain was still fogged from the heat of the one all too swift kiss.
“I don’t have leather, but I do have a denim jacket.” She turned for the bedroom to retrieve it from her closet. He didn’t follow but waited there in the front room for her to return. By the time she made it back to the living room, she’d put the jacket on and grabbed her wallet and dropped it into the interior pocket of the jacket. “There, that way I won’t have to mess with a purse.”
He glanced at the bag with two short u-shaped handles sitting on the table in the hall.
“It’s probably better that way. Cross body bags or backpacks work better on a bike, just so you know and can be better prepared another time.”
“Good to know. I’m ready when you are.” She liked that he assumed there would be another time. She’d enjoyed the time she’d spent with him and wanted there to be more.
She locked up and followed him out to the curb where he’d parked. Butterflies seemed to be doing acrobatics in her stomach. He unstrapped a helmet from the rear seat and handed it to her.
“Do you need help with this?” He watched her a moment.
“Probably, but let me try.” Olivia fumbled a moment as she slid on the helmet, she managed to fasten the clip, but fumbled as she tried to adjust it to fit better. “I give up,” she said after a bit.
“You did good. A lot of people can’t get them fastened.” His fingers made quick work of adjusting the strap.