Page 6 of Caden
“I’m sorry.”
She waved one hand. “It was mutual. It just wasn’t working out.” That was the truth, and he hadn’t seemed any more broken up about it than she had been. Honestly, it had felt like something that had been coming for a long time. “But it leaves me with my family expecting me to bring someone, and no one to bring.”
“You didn’t tell them you’re not seeing him anymore?”
“I did. But I did something stupid that I’ve been regretting ever since.”
“What was that?” he asked, looking concerned.
“It’s dumb.” She looked away, not wanting to admit how her sister’s teasing had gotten to her and she’d lied. “I was tired of my sister picking at me about going to the wedding alone, so I lied. I told her I was seeing someone new and would be bringing him to the wedding. Now the wedding is in a few days, and I don’t have anyone to bring.” She buried her face in her hands, fighting back the tears that threatened.
“I’ll go with you, if you like.” His voice was soft.
She felt a hand on her arm and had to admit, if only to herself, it felt good.
“I can’t ask you to do that.” Olivia pulled her hands down her face, scrubbing away any trace of tears that might have fallen. “A wedding is a big commitment. I wouldn’t want you to feel pressured.” She picked up her fork and tried to go back to eating as if she hadn’t almost broken down right here at the table.
“A wedding is only a commitment for the people getting married. For the guests it’s just a great party to help them celebrate. I don’t mind going, really. Even if it it’s only as friends.”
Olivia didn’t know what to say. She looked up from her plate to watch him a moment, trying to see if he was sincere.
“Thank you. I’d appreciate it,” she managed after a moment.
They talked a little more, getting to know each other a little better while they finished their meal. She promised to text him with the details of the wedding then went back to work, wondering how the date might go. Who agreed to go to a wedding of two people they’d never met? She guessed she would be finding out.
Caden found himself thinking about Olivia several times during his shift. He had to keep pushing his stray thoughts away so he could focus on what he was doing but soon enough they found their way back in. By the time his shift ended, and he headed home, he couldn’t help wondering what she was up to. Was she even still awake at this hour?
It was almost midnight by the time he got home and inside. He unlaced his boots and headed for the kitchen, wondering what he had he could eat without too much work. On the way, he pulled out his phone to check for messages. He’d long ago gotten in the habit of leaving it locked up on his bike when he went to work. That way it wasn’t a distraction.
As he flipped through the emails, missed calls and text messages, he spotted one that made his heart seem to skip a beat. He flipped back to the message that had caught his eye.
Olivia: I know it’s weird, but I can’t stop thinking about your offer to go to the wedding with me. It’s sweet. Thank you.
He glanced at the time stamp to see when she’d sent it. Only a half hour before. Maybe she was still up? He typed out a reply and hit send, then opened the fridge. He stared inside for several seconds before closing the door and turning away. Caden stood in the middle of the room for several seconds trying to remember what he’d been doing then wanted to kick himself when he remembered.
Food. He’d been looking for food. What had been in the fridge? He knew he’d just looked inside but couldn’t recall a single thing in there. He couldn’t even guess how much milk was in there. Was there even any milk? With a sigh he turned back around and re-opened the fridge, this time reminding himself he was looking for something to eat. Leftovers, whatever, as long as it was quick and easy.
After a moment he checked the freezer looking for anything he might be able to pop into the microwave but not seeing anything, he closed that and went back to the fridge where he pulled out eggs and other fixings. If nothing else, scrambled eggs would do.
He’d just cracked the eggs into a bowl when his phone chirped an incoming text. Caden tossed the shells into the compost bin, wiped off his hands and pulled out the phone.
Olivia: Yeah, I don’t sleep very much sometimes, working swings does that to you sometimes. This seems to be one of those little sleep weeks.
Caden: I get it on the swings. It’s easier if you are on them straight but it’s harder if you’re not a natural night owl.
Olivia: I did tell you the wedding is Saturday, right? Are you off then? She had told him, and it was his day off so that was no worry. He typed up a response letting her know that then pocketed the phone and went back to fixing his dinner. He popped the bread into the toaster as soon as he poured the egg mixture into the skillet, and a few minutes later was carrying his food into the living room to eat when his phone chirped again.
He sat in the recliner he’d bought after he’d moved in, set his plate on the folding table beside the chair and pulled out his phone hoping for another text from Olivia.
No luck.
This was a message from Miles, the newly named road captain from the Kings.
Miles: You ready for the BBQ on Sunday? Just a reminder that you’re supposed to bring 40lbs of ice and take a shift at the grill.
Caden: I know. I’ll be there and on time.