Page 67 of Broken Promises
Taking my hand, he moves toward the door. The other men are getting Ania and Mila, but where’s Mikhail and Mila’s dad? I don’t have time to question any of that. Instead of waiting for the limo, when we get outside, Dimitri whistles. From across the street, a car’s lights blink, the door unlocking.
“What’s that, some magic whistle tech?” I ask.
He laughs, shaking his head. “Watch out.”
He casually sweeps me to the side, catching the keys from the man who tossed them at him from across the street. He was just out of my field of view.
“What’s happening?” I say. “It’s like you’re on a mission.”
“I need to be with you, Lia. You’re all I want. You’re all I need. Pretending you were just some side piece hurt so much. It made me realize. You could never be ‘nothing’ to me. You’re everything.”
He opens the passenger-side door.
“What about the others?” I ask.
“We’ll catch up with them later.”
I know exactly what he’s suggesting from how he stares at me. It’s like he’s conquered the city, and now he wants to conquer his woman. He must be able to read my hesitation. He looks younger as he rushes forward, an adventurous glint in his intense eyes.
“Pretending not to want you made me love you even more, Lia.”
When I gasp, he smiles, taking my hands in his. “Don’t sound so surprised. I loved you from the first time I saw you.”
“I love you too,” I whisper, a tear forming in my eye.
Of all the ways I thought this stubborn need to be alone would fade, I never thought it would feel like this—so carefree, almost healing. It’s like letting it go is easy.
“I need to love all of you,” he says passionately, leaning in for another kiss.
My body responds with so much heat, my core throbbing, my clit pushing against my underwear. All the nerves from the party drain away as he pulls me closer.
We both laugh as we jog down the hallway, sounding how I imagine newlyweds must. For me, it’s the excitement and the relief. There’s the issue with Oleg, but I’ll handle that. The important thing is that Nikolai is no longer in power, even his own people are tired of him. Something will have to be worked out, but like I said marriage is off the table for me. My woman comes first. I love her too damn much to marry anybody else, even for show.
When I open the door to the hotel suite, she takes a couple of steps forward, gazing around at the open-plan entrance. “There’s so muchspace,” she murmurs. “That’s the most shocking thing about this life—all the space that rich people have.”
She turns to me when I lock the door.
“That dress makes your body look so fucking hot,” I tell her.
“Really?” she says, standing to one side, her hands on her hips, making the dress fabric highlight the shape of her thigh. “Is that good?”
“Perfect,” I groan. “I’m so hard for you. I need you to claim you and take you. I know you’re a virgin. I know you need me to be patient.”
“What if I don’t?” she says bravely, tossing her gorgeous hair and staring at me. “What if I want you to take me? What if I don’t want to be scared?”
She walks right up to me with a stubborn look on her face, then stands on her tiptoes and wraps her arms around me. She pulls herself against me, my cock flooding with heat. As we kiss, she slides her hand down to my manhood, stroking the outside of my pants.
The pressure turns me feral. I grab her hips and lift her off her feet. She gasps and wraps her legs around my waist, and I carry her like this down the hallway, my cock grinding against her as I find the bedroom. When I drop her on the bed, she gasps and stares at me with that gorgeous redness across her face. The light makeup she applied isn’t enough to mask it. It just brings out her natural beauty.
I lie atop her, finding her lips, our bodies grinding together. It’s like there’s this force inside us, burning, making us pulse together. She moans, and her tongue chases mine with even more fierceness, and then she starts tugging at my clothes.
My virgin does it urgently as if she’s trying to outrun her nerves. I lean back so she can pull my shirt over my head, and then I stand, gazing down at her, my chest heaving.