Page 12 of Stolen Promises
He’s talking like I’m not here and needs to vent what is eating him up inside. He sounds like he could snap again any second. Maybe he notices how I’m looking at him. He sighs sadly. “I didn’t mean to scare you, Mila.”
“You didn’t scare me,” I say softly. “Let’s get you cleaned up, at least, okay?”
I reach down and gently take his bleeding hand. When we touch, though, it’s like I forget about what I was going to do. It’s like he forgets about his pain, too. He wraps his hand around mine, holds me tightly, and stares down intensely.
“Why are you making this so difficult, Mila?” he groans.
“Making what so difficult?” My voice comes out raspy. It’s difficult to speak and even more challenging to think. His touch is sending warm pulses of lust and belonging through me.
“Being near you,” he growls, then pulls me toward him as he leans down simultaneously.
I’m so, so ready for this kiss. I didn’t knowhowready I was until time slows down, giving me the space to savor this moment and code it deep into my memory. When our lips touch, he makes the hottest groaning noise. It’s asound of pleasure mixed with relief, like he’s been waiting for this as hungrily as I have.
I slide my hands up his arms, feeling his muscles through his suit jacket, feeling his muscles against my palm. He turns and gently pushes me against the wall, his body locking me in place, letting me feel his manhood pushing through his pants and against my belly.
“This could end so badly,” he growls, breaking off the kiss.
“I know,” I whisper.
“Good,” he groans, then kisses me again.
We disappear into the pleasure. He presses me even closer to the wall, boxing me in, trapping me. Being trapped by his brotheris the last thing I want, but being trapped byhimis heaven. He groans, sliding his hand down my body. It’s not like this is private. If somebody sees us and reports back to Dad …
Suddenly, he steps back, shuddering all over. His tone lowers to passionate urgency. “Do you have any idea what I’d do to you?” he groans. “Even here, even if being with you is the last thing I should think about, I’d own you, Mila. Every inch.”
With that, he turns away, leaving me to stand here with my lips burning with lust, my nipples feeling like they’re rubbing with tantalizing friction against my bra. I wait for him to stop and come back to me, but he doesn’t. He keeps walking.
I go to the restroom not because I need to but because it gives me a chance to mentally and physically reset after what just happened. When I return to the function room, the condolences have ended. Ania sees me enter and wanders over. “I’m gladthat’sover,” she says, jitterbugging from foot to foot. “Are you okay, Mila? You’ve gone all pale.”
Pale is the last thing I would’ve expected. I thought my face would be bright red. I’m burning up from the inside, fueled by desire, lust, and something I’m not sure I have words for. Maybe this is an example of my survival instinct telling me to hide how I really feel.
“I’m fine,” I say.
Over her shoulder, I can see Mikhail speaking with some other men. He’s holding a napkin to his knuckles, dabbing at the blood.
“Stop making this about me,” I tell Ania. “I’m here foryou, okay?”
Ania lets me lead her to a table and sit her down, and I do my best to focus on our conversation. I do my best not to think about later. Will Mikhail want to pick up where we left off? Should I even be contemplating letting this go further?
Good, he groaned when I told him I knew this could end badly. It’s like he doesn’t want me caught off guard when this explodes in our faces. But is he ready for what this could lead to when we only just met? Am I?
Back at the compound—this is what Dimitri and I have always called this place in the desert—I do my best to throw myself into my work. I don’t want to think about what happened at the wake. I lost it, thinking of all the hypocrisy of these bastards, and then Mila was just there, like magic. I couldn’t stop myself.
I told her it could end badly, maybe hoping she’d stop on some level, even if her stopping was the last thing I wanted. As I sort through my programs, I think about what I could do with more manpower. Or is that an excuse to see her again?
Screw it. I can’t keep fighting this. Or maybe I could, but I don’t want to when I can still taste her lips on mine. I can still feel her body pressed against mine, the lust burning up in her. I don’t have to question if she wants me. At least physically, Ifelthow badly her body wanted me to claim her, touch her, massage her, and kiss every inch.
Leaving the bedroom, I go to Mila’s room. I can hear the tap-tap-tap of keys typing. I put my ear against the door, listening witha slight smile on my face. It’s like I can hear her passion in each frantically typed key.
I push the door open slowly, my smile widening when I see her typing away. Her back is to me, her curly hair tied in a gorgeously messy ponytail. She’s typing with so much passion that her whole upper half moves, causing her ponytail to dance around.
She must sense me watching or maybe feel the change in the air because she turns, shock reverberating through her. Taking off her headphones, she says, “Uh, hi?”
I smirk, closing the door behind me, then rush across the room. It’s been several hours since the kiss, but it feels far longer. “That’s all you’ve got to say for me, huh?”