Page 33 of Daddy's Pretty Baby
The girl was smart, I have to give her that. She fucking disappeared like a thief into the night, right after I fucked her in the ass of all things. It was weird. I could tell that something was off when I got back to Valley Pine, Melly wasn’t the same happy little girl I’d left. But I didn’t worry about it, a solid meal and some even more solid assfucking would have her moaning in my arms, little body shaking, everything a-okay once more.
So yeah, I drilled her hard, and it was unbelievabled how responsive Melly was, even more so than usual.
“Ohhh!” she squealed, butt humping my dick. “Oh fuuuuuck!”
I grunted, pushing my fat cock deeper, prying her ass open.
“Baby like?” I grunted between heaves. “Baby like?”
And the brunette did the dirtiest thing then. Bracing her shoulders on the bed, the little girl reached in back of herself with both hands and pulled her butt cheeks apart so that I could get in deeper, so that my cock could penetrate that anus even more thoroughly.
And oh yeah, I did the honors. My thick length drilled her again and again, owning that sweet body, pounding her anal canal until it was sore, my baby was going to have trouble walking the next day. And holy shit but I erupted then. It was like Mount Vesuvius come to life, the hot white bubbly leaking from her ass, so virile, so potent. But instead of gasping and panting, getting her breath back, instead the brunette wriggled out from under me after we were done and pranced to the door, cum still dripping from her asshole, a long white rivulet running down a creamy thigh.
“Hey, where you going?” I grunted, exhausted, big body prone on the huge bed. Melly’s moved in with me in the master suite, so I couldn’t imagine where she was headed. There was no reason to go anywhere, her clothes were here, her towel, her everything.
“I have a surprise for you,” she said cheekily, wiggling that ass once more, tempting me as her huge butt bounced. “Just wait here, I hid it so you wouldn’t find it.” God, I fucking loved the girl. A surprise? For me? I’m the guy who always gives gifts, the guy who always pays when we’re at a restaurant. So it was nice to think that I was on the receiving end for once, even if it was just a little something, something that didn’t cost much, maybe even a little extra play.
Because yeah, I was hoping that Melly would come back nude, except for a tiara on her head and a glittery wand inserted into her anus. Literally, not figuratively. It sounds perverted, I know, but I’ve wanted to fuck her with that wand for so long, it’s this silver skinny thing with a star at the top, and sometimes Melly touches it to her stuffed animals’ heads like she’s knighting them. Knighting stuffed animals? I had a better use for that thing that involved all sorts of off-limits nookie.
So I lay back, cock still semi-stiff, glazed with her pussy juice and ass sweat. God, the girl smelled good, her scents coating me and I didn’t want to wash it off, I wanted to inhale Melly’s come as I walked around, a whiff of the girl’s fragrant pussy with me always.
But fuck, she didn’t return immediately. At first, I thought maybe she was showering, she wanted to get clean before another sex session because yeah, I was gonna pound her again. But no, there was no sound of water spurting, no hum of a distant bath. Just silence. So after about twenty minutes or so, I got up and strode down the hallway, long steps covering the distance to the pink room.
And flicking on the lights, I blinked, dazed by the brightness. Because there was no one there. What the fuck? Where the hell was she? I had plans for the little girl, we weren’t done yet tonight, not by a long shot. So I marched down to the kitchen, then the living room, then the den, anywhere the girl might be hiding. Shit, was this some kind of a fucking trick? What kind of game was this?
“I’m not playing hide and seek,” I boomed, voice low and resonant. “It’s late, Daddy’s gonna spank you hard when he finds you.”
Normally, I would have expected to hear a titter somewhere in the distance, a bit of shuffling behind a window curtain. But the manor was empty. The huge fucking house echoed like an ice chamber and I knew in my bones that I was alone. I’ve got a sixth sense for Melly, and right now, it was going off like a siren, everything telling me that she was gone, disappeared into the night.
So immediately I sprang into action.
“Angela,” I barked into the phone. “What the fuck? Did you send a car for Melly?”
Despite the fact that it was midnight, the woman answered immediately like talking to me was normal.
“Of course not, she’s still got six days at Valley Pine. I had a talk with her this morning just to tie up some loose ends, but no, of course I didn’t send a car, your contract’s not up yet.”
And without thinking, I flung the phone as hard as I could against the wall then, enraged, growling like a bear. Because shit, Angela had been too efficient. She knew I’d be away on business today and so had stepped in, thinking to get the “talk” done while there was some free time. But that’s the thing. The “talk” is the official send-off, where we make the girls sign some last papers, get her direct deposit numbers, tie up all the loose ends before she’s officially a goner. Fuck, Angela had jumped the gun.
And suddenly it all made sense, Melly’s bad mood, her slight jumpiness. Suddenly, I knew why the brunette had been fucking me so frantically, her boobs jouncing in my face, that pussy extra wet, offering me her mouth, ass, cunt any which way I wanted, everything at my disposal, slutty, warm and open, begging for more. Because the little girl had been saying goodbye. She’d been planning her escape, and with this last session, she’d been saying goodbye with her body, although there were no words other than the usual litany of “Daddy, please! Daddy, there! Daddy, yes!” My girl had left me just like that. In the middle of a hot session, my girl had up and left, no good-byes, no warning.
But the thing is that I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t ready by a long shot, and in fact, I wasn’t ever sure I was going to be ready to let Melly go. Sure, she’d said her goodbyes, but I hadn’t said mine. And because the girl belonged to me, she wasn’t gonna get away so easy … not by a long shot.