Page 103 of The Proposition
We ended up playing Go Fish. I hadn’t played it since I was a little girl back in Iowa, but it was a lot of fun while passing around a bottle of mediocre scotch. And the company was good.
“So,” Ryan said casually after a little while. “Have you two banged yet?”
“Dude,” Andy whispered.
“What? It’s a simple question. We’re buds. And today was the significant third date.” He glanced at me. “You’re not uncomfortable, are you? Because if so, you probably shouldn’t have picked this kind of multi-person relationship to be a part of.”
“Not uncomfortable at all,” I said. In fact, his bluntness was refreshing.
Ryan swung his eyes back to Andy.
“We had a picnic in the park,” Andy said. “And then came straight to the theater when we got your call.”
Ryan stared at him. “That was a carefully crafted non-answer.”
“We had sex in the park!” I blurted out. A giggle escaped my lips at saying it out loud. “Underneath a blanket.”
Ryan nodded along approvingly. “Damn, Andy. I didn’t think you had it in you.”
Andy cleared his throat. “I can have fun sometimes.”
I put a hand on his leg. “And it was a lot of fun.” He smiled back at me.
“Anyone nearby?” Ryan asked.
“Some guys throwing a frisbee.” I took another swig of scotch. The fiery liquid burning down my throat imbued me with more courage to talk about it. “Them being nearby made me come super quick.”
Ryan looked between us with a not bad expression on his face. “Fuck yeah. Public sex is awesome. Good for you.”
“Dorian said the same thing about public sex,” I mused. “It was my first time. And I don’t think it’ll be the last.”
Ryan raised the bottle. “Cheers to that.”
Andy was studying me quietly. “Did you tell Ryan about… You know.”
“Oh. No, I haven’t.”
“Do I want to know?” Ryan asked.
I sighed and leaned back on my palms. “Dorian kissed me today. Well, I might’ve kissed him. We kissed. Mutual.”
“Oh shit. I thought he wasn’t over Heather yet.”
“Maybe. I don’t know. It happened really fast, and then we were awkward after…”
Ryan stared off. “You know, I did see Dorian at the house before coming to the theater. He’d just gotten back from Brooklyn, and he seemed off. He said you rushed to Central Park without getting your pay.”
“No, he collected it for me.”
Ryan squinted at me. “He specifically said they wouldn’t let him collect your pay.”
I started to argue, then groaned. Dorian must have given me his pay, while pretending that he’d collected mine. He took the hit so that I wouldn’t miss out.
“In any case,” I said, “he and I kissed. And now it’s super weird between us. I’ve fucked it up.”
Ryan and Andy shared a look. Then Ryan slowly took out his phone. “Let’s pull up the spreadsheet and see who won, shall we?”
“You know who the winner is,” Andy said curtly.