Page 145 of The Proposition
“Feeling relaxed now, Nadia?”
“Mmm hmm.” I stretched, then slid off the table and pulled my dress down. “Next time I’m going to need more than your tongues fucking me.”
Dorian took me in his arms and swept me down into a dip, kissing me passionately so I could taste myself on his tongue. “Next time, we’ll fill you properly.”
“And we’ll take our time, too,” Andy added with a grin.
I heard a new voice on stage directly above us. “Does anyone know where Nadia went? I thought someone said she was here early.” It was Director Atkins.
I gave both men a sensual touch on the chest, then rushed upstairs to meet the director.
“What were you doing down there?” he asked when I emerged from the stairs.
“Just finding a quiet place to mentally prepare.”
He frowned. “Are you okay? You look flushed.” He put a hand on my forehead.
“I’m fine,” I quickly said. “What did you need me for?”
“I’ve got a surprise to show you.”
The construction backstage was done, and the men were cleaning up their equipment. I followed Atkins down the hallway and past a row of rooms with five-pointed stars stenciled on the outside. Each was covered by a sheet of plastic.
Atkins stopped in front of the farthest door. All of my suspicions about the last-minute construction disappeared as he peeled away the plastic from the star.
“The star of the show needs her own dressing room,” Atkins said with a huge grin on his face. “To help mentally prepare, like you were doing downstairs.”
“Right,” I said as he opened the door.
The room wasn’t very large, but it didn’t need to be. It held a makeup desk with a big mirror surrounded by large-bulb lights, and a comfortable stool with a plush purple cushion. On the opposite wall was a brown leather sofa, with a mini-fridge underneath one of the arms in the corner. The back wall held an antique-looking wardrobe, and when I opened the doors I found a dozen hangers inside filled with my various wardrobe changes for the show.
“Yours is nicer than the rooms for the two male leads,” Atkins admitted, “but it was all commissioned months ago, for Tatiana. Now a more deserving actress gets to enjoy the luxury.”
I stared around the room in wonder. A dressing room. My very own dressing room. I peeked inside the mini-fridge and found bottles of water, Coke, and even champagne inside. “I… I don’t know what to say.”
Atkins crossed his arms and nodded once. “In the past week, and even before then, you’ve worked harder than anyone else in this theater. You deserve a little pampering.” He gestured. “Save the champaign in there until after the show, though. It’s bad luck to pop it before the final curtain falls.”
He left me standing there, still dumbfounded by everything around me.
I sat down at the makeup mirror and looked at myself. This was all really happening.
I’m the lead. I’m the star of the show.
Someone knocked on the door. My first impulse was to rush to open it, but instead I made myself take a slow, deep breath.
“Come in.”
The makeup artist I’d met during dress rehearsal popped her head inside. “Nice digs! Much better than working on you out there with all the commotion.” She held up her bag of makeup. “Ready to get started?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”