Page 23 of The Proposition
The offer we were making, putting all our cards on the table? It was too straightforward. It would take a special kind of girl to agree to that. And I just didn’t think Nadia was that girl.
“I have to agree with Ryan,” Dorian said. “I don’t think she’ll change her mind.”
“I prefer to be prepared for any situation,” Andy said.
“What situation is that?”
We all turned. Nadia stood in the back doorway of the theater.
It was really fucking stupid, but I got goosebumps just looking at her. Literal fucking bumps that made the hair on my arms stand up. She was drop-dead gorgeous. Her hair hung halfway down her back, the tips curled like a bouquet of question marks. She had a bag slung over her shoulder, the strap digging into her cleavage and making her tits pop. Silhouetted by the light out in the lobby, her hourglass figure was even more apparent. Curvy and voluptuous in a way that screamed mate with me in a primal way.
She’s better than any random Tinder date, I thought, workplace romance be damned.
“You’re here early,” I called down to her, returning to my work on the light housing.
Nadia walked down the aisle and dropped her bag in a seat. “I’ve had a hell of a day. I was hoping to get some practice in before rehearsal. Run through some of my tracks and blow off steam.”
Dorian perked up. “That’s the same reason I’m here. We can run through them together, if you don’t mind sharing the stage. Having two of us up there will help with our timing.”
She cocked her head. “Yeah, okay.”
“Andy, you want to give us some music?”
“Coming right up.”
They picked which numbers they wanted to rehearse, and then took their places on opposite ends of the stage. Nadia pulled her hair up in a ponytail, which was somehow even sexier than when it was down.
I removed one of the bolts from the light housing, and then took my time with the second one while I watched them practice. Nadia was graceful as she moved across the stage, sexy and seductive. Not just putting her feet where they belonged on the stage, but actually being the backup dancer role she was supposed to be. She didn’t need any practice.
I shared a look with Andy down by the wall. He could tell what I was thinking, because he was thinking the same thing.
Maybe it would be great if she changed her mind.
I hadn’t expected them all to be there; it was an hour before rehearsal, when the theater was usually empty. I was in a shitty enough mood from getting fired that I just wanted to practice alone, losing myself in the steps around the stage while the show music played in my headphones. I didn’t want an audience. I didn’t even want to talk to anyone, let alone these three.
But hearing the music played out of the stage speakers made everything feel a lot more real. And as I began moving through my track on the stage, I was grateful to have Dorian running along his track too because it gave me a reference point. Especially for the parts where our tracks crossed, or the couple of times where we held hands and moved together. With him there, I could almost imagine doing it with the full cast.
Dorian was graceful as he danced around the stage. His dark pants and shirt clung to him like a wet suit, showing off his slender frame and lithe muscle. Sexy, but in a different way than Braden. Even his man-bun was kind of cute.
After just one song, my mood was much improved.
“Care for some constructive feedback?” Dorian asked when the song ended.
“Always,” I said, and meant it. The point of practice was to get better, not be showered with praise.
Dorian set his feet and pointed for me to watch. “When you cross like this, hold your back foot just a smidge longer. Then explode through the motion.”
He demonstrated by side-stepping through his track in a half-dance, half-walk. Rather than smoothly moving across the stage, he kept his back foot planted a little longer than the rest. Like a stutter-step. When he was done, he grinned at me.
“You don’t look convinced.”
“No,” I said. “I’m just not sure that would look better.”
“Andy, replay the last song. Start about two minutes in.”