Page 91 of The Proposition
“Dude, you should’ve seen me today. I was ready to wield a fork like Arya fucking Stark.”
“Stick them with the pointy end,” Andy declared. “Speaking of books, that’s what I have planned for our date today.” He reached into the outer pocket of the picnic basket and pulled out two slim black devices. “I took the liberty of grabbing your Kindle reader off the table.”
“Reading, the sexiest of dates,” I teased. Before he could look awkward, I quickly added, “I’m joking. I love it. I haven’t had a chance to sit outside and read in months!”
We stretched out next to each other, and Andy unfolded another blanket and draped it over our legs. We fell into a comfortable silence. After the activities Andy had planned for our first few dates, it was nice to just chill together today. Especially with the warm sun on my skin.
I was pleased to see that Andy had charged my Kindle—it was nearly out of battery when I was reading the other night. I opened up the book that I had started, one of the newest James Patterson novels. They weren’t the deepest books, but they were simple and fun to read here and there. The kind of book that helped me zone out.
“What are you reading?” I asked Andy.
“The old sci-fi book?”
Andy was laying on his back with the Kindle held above him. He lowered it to his chest and rolled his handsome face toward me. “Yeah, it’s an old favorite of mine. I re-read it every couple of years.”
“You re-read books?” I asked.
“Sure. It’s nostalgic and comfortable. Like watching It’s A Wonderful Life every Christmas. You know the story and how it ends, but it’s fun anyways.”
“I’ve never thought of books like that,” I said. I was a one-and-done kind of girl.
I rolled onto my back and read like that for a little while. After a few chapters of my book I started getting bored. This one wasn’t holding my interest. And my mind was on too many other things.
Wisps of clouds floated across the sky high above us. This was still incredibly relaxing, even though we weren’t really doing anything. Mental recuperation time. Recharging my emotional batteries. A luxury I didn’t have when I was working several jobs and commuting into the city from Queens.
I glanced at Andy. His arm was flexed behind his back onto a pillow while the other held the eReader above him, eyes scanning rapidly. Andy was so easy to be around. That was an important part of a long-term relationship: being able to simply be together without necessarily doing anything exciting. And with him, it was working.
There was definitely something between us. A slowly-growing affection, like being courted by a handsome but respectable prince.
He caught me looking at him. “What?”
“Just admiring the sexy man I’m with.”
That easy blush touched his cheeks. “Same here.”
I raised an eyebrow. “You’re admiring the sexy man you’re with?”
“That’s not what—”
I shut him up by leaning over and kissing him. We closed our eyes and kissed softly, my tongue sliding into his mouth in a slow, wet embrace. I felt a fire in my legs as we made out with the soft bird sounds of the park all around us.
When our lips finally parted, he grinned at me. “That was nice.”
“Mmm hmm,” I hummed. I wanted to do more with Andy than just kiss. I wanted to progress our relationship to the next step. And I could tell Andy felt the same way.
And in that moment, I knew I had to tell him.
“Earlier you asked if I was okay,” I said slowly. “Well, you were right. I’m acting weird because this morning Dorian and I kissed.”
He frowned, like he hadn’t quite heard me. “What?”
I explained everything that happened. It was essentially a retelling of the story about fleeing the street performers, but with extra details on the end. He listened quietly and without expression.
“I don’t really know how it happened, or why. But it did.” I took his hand in mind. “I felt like I had to tell you. Especially if you want a long-term relationship. Honesty is important to me.”
“Oh,” he mumbled. “Um, okay.”