Page 94 of The Proposition
He groaned and obeyed, hips jerking forward and moving the blanket. We were a little more likely to get caught, but I needed it this way, and I was so close…
One of the guys across the field tossed the frisbee. It arced through the air, curving toward us. One of his friends sprinted in our direction, head twisted to watch the disc over his shoulder. He was only 50 feet away from us now, then 40, and still closing in.
“Don’t stop,” I whispered as the waves of pleasure crashed into my pussy. “Please…”
The guy leaped to catch the frisbee, then took a dozen steps after landing to slow down. He never glanced at us, instead turning to jog back to his friends and throw the frisbee back. He had no idea what we were doing.
A moan of pleasure slipped from my lips as my orgasm struck like a thunderbolt. Andy’s free hand curled under my head and around to clasp over my mouth, muffling my cries. He pressed his mouth into my hair and moaned himself as he gave a final, shuddering thrust, blowing his hot load deep inside my pussy. I tightened my inner muscles around him as we both came together underneath the blanket, every muscle tightened and tense.
Only when the frisbee guy was back with his friends did I relax. I kissed Andy’s palm. “You can let go now,” I said into it, muffled.
“Sorry,” he said as he took it away. “That…”
I twisted around, keeping his dick inside me. “Yeah?”
“That was amazing,” he said, a shocked look in his eyes. He blinked as if he didn’t really understand what had just happened. “That was intense, and incredible. Those guys…”
“I know, right? They were so close to us!”
“That made it more exciting!” he grinned.
I pressed my mouth against his in another kiss. “All in all, a pretty good date.”
A smile split his face. “Better than reading.”
I walked to a park bathroom to clean up, then Andy did the same. When he returned we curled back up together, spooning underneath the blanket in a more innocent manner.
“I’m ready for that nap now,” I said.
Andy’s phone vibrated in his pocket. I felt him pull it out and hold it close to his face.
“What is it?”
“It’s Ryan,” he said in a worried tone. “He says to come to the theater now. He found something.”
We walked back from the park hand-in-hand while Andy swung the basket in his other hand. It would have been a romantic walk if not for the text we’d gotten from Ryan.
“He won’t explain anything over the phone,” Andy was saying. “He’s paranoid about the government listening in on his conversations.”
“Sounds like he reads too many comic books.”
Andy looked at me funny. “That’s exactly what I have been telling him.”
“Ghosts, superstitions, and now government monitoring. Is there anything he doesn’t believe in?”
“If there is, I don’t know about it,” he said. “We should make a checklist and test him.”
“My money’s on leprechauns. Surely those are too far-fetched for him.”
Andy smiled sideways at me. “We’ll see.”
It was mid-afternoon by the time we reached the theater. The half-finished set was still on stage: a bedroom scene on the left, with a cut-out window in the wood and grey paint on the fake wall, with a real bed in front of it.
I heard a whistle, and craned my neck. Ryan waved from the catwalks.