Page 44 of Feral Possession
“Perhaps it was due to Carina’s presence. I invited her because she begged me. She felt badly for how she treated Marcus and wanted a chance to make amends. They were quite the item for a while, even planned to get married.”
“Marcus and Carina were engaged?” The news was a punch to the gut. It was possible he was still interested in the awful woman. And here Dove had been throwing herself at him half the night. It would have been nice if he’d told her the truth about them.
“Yes, Carina believed this would be the only way to speak to him in person. Since his accident, Marcus has rarely left his penthouse, except for business. He’s become quite the recluse. I was certainly surprised when Xavier told me he’d be in attendance this evening. More so, given his distaste for the male.”
Finally, they entered the first breezeway. Tiberius paused, resting his hands behind his back, gazing out at the courtyard as though they had all the time in the world. Despite the gorgeous view, tension thickened the air. “Tell me, why is Marcus really here? It certainly isn’t to vacation on a tropical island.”
While Dove was far from worldly, it didn’t take a genius to recognize that Tiberius was fishing. Marcus wouldn’t like this one bit. Worse, he’d be pissed at her if she got chatty. Come on, Dove, think of something, quick. “I’m, uh, not clear on the details. Marcus doesn’t discuss his personal affairs with me.”
“I wouldn’t expect otherwise, you being his Chosen,” Tiberius said this with disdain. “Still, you’re living and traveling together. I’m sure you hear things.”
Was he accusing her of eavesdropping? Sweat coated her palms, and she rubbed them together. “Really, I don’t hear anything Marcus doesn’t want me to, and this is the first time I’ve traveled with him.”
“What about Vivian? How is she doing?”
Dove blinked at the abrupt change of subject.
“I understand she recently had a run-in with some of Zion’s men. There’s a rumor Zion nearly burned her mansion down over a business deal gone bad.”
“What?” Dove choked out, chest puffing with indignation. “Vivian doesn’t associate with Zion.”
“Good. Good,” Tiberius murmured. “If she was involved with him in any manner, it could mean very bad things for her. The Council has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to conspirators.”
Dove shook her head hard enough to make her vision swim. “Vivian would never get mixed up in something like that.”
“And I’m sure you would be devastated if she were implicated. I feel the same about Marcus.” He leaned his shoulder against a pillar, growing pensive. “Since my brother died, Marcus is all the family I have left in this world. He is like a son to me. Unfortunately, he’s denied my help and refused my offer of medical assistance, nor does he return my phone calls. I know he’s keeping things from me.”
While Xavier’s posture was relaxed, the vibe he sent her was anything but. She hesitated to answer, her mouth going dry.
At her silence, he straightened, extending his hand. In it was a business card with only a number, no name. “This is my direct line. You’ll report back to me with anything of importance regarding my nephew.”
Her chest squeezed, smashed between the Council magister and her duty to Marcus. “Just so I’m clear.” Even she knew she tended to be a little dense when it came to these things. “You’re asking me to spy on him?”
“It wasn’t a request.” His voice lowered, sending a menacing chill through her. “Do this or Vivian may find herself the subject of an investigation.”
Fates save her. This was worse than being between a rock and a hard place. More like a wrecking ball and a runaway locomotive. How did she talk her way out of this one? “But the non-disclosure—”
“Dove,” Marcus called her name from the end of the corridor.
Relief flooded her system, her knees wobbling. Marcus headed in her direction with swift strides, ignoring his cane. Bishop followed, a dark scowl on his rugged face. Here comes the cavalry.
The stifling bubble Tiberius had surrounded her in seemed to lift. He snorted a derisive laugh. “Well, now, this just became twice as interesting.”
Once at her side, Marcus guided her behind him. She shivered at the chilly menace he emanated.
“Uncle,” he growled. “How unlike you to concern yourself with the welfare of another male’s Chosen. Bishop had orders to escort Dove to her room.”
Tiberius stepped back with his hands raised, a mocking smile on his face. “And how unlike you to care.”
“I’ve always taken care of what is mine. You would do well to do the same. I believe I saw Carina leave with Xavier’s concubine, Persephone.”
“You don’t say?” The magister smirked. “Should make for an entertaining evening. Very well. I’ll bid you good night.” He offered a half bow and retreated down the corridor.
Thank goodness. Dove glanced at Marcus to find him staring down at her. “What did he want?” he demanded. His voice tight.
Her stomach fluttered. Marcus wouldn’t like the answer. Perhaps she should tell him everything. Tell him his uncle wanted her to spy on him. Maybe he could help her protect Vivian. But why would he when he was busy protecting himself? And would he believe her or side with Tiberius?
She hated lying. The truth, or as close to the truth, was the best way to go. “He discussed his concerns for your welfare. Then asked what you were doing here.”